Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


if you could fly

Satowra, Rio, Raylen, Ambrosia, Venga – they were all painfully absent, and the alabaster alpha's mind was utterly devoid of information on their whereabouts. It seemed as though the ones that Tamlin thought of as closest to him always managed to hurt him the most. Was he destined to always be abandoned by the ones who he allowed his wary heart to depend on, and if so, why? Tamlin had come to the land of ash a relatively scarless being, cold and hard, yes, but prepared to give away his allegiance. To the wolfess Satowra he entrusted his icy heart. He'd grown close to the lady, and, in the course of doing his duty for the lands, he'd befriended some of her staunchest supporters, Rio and Raylen. Satowra had been the sun, cleansing his darkness and allowing his frigid personality to soften, and his fellow disciples had been nothing but supportive. Truly, Bright Moon had become a paradise for those who dwelled within it. Every day had been better than the last, and finally Tamlin had something to protect. The lands and the hearts within them had flourished, growing stronger and happier each day. Until she left. One fateful day, the beautiful alphess had mysteriously turned tail, only pausing long enough to inform Tamlin of his promotion. His two friends had remained with him for a time, but the burden of what the lands had become without their guiding angel had caused the three to part ways. It was too painful to dwell in a place with so many happy memories without any hope that the same joy could be repeated.

His first friends had deserted him, and he was left with nothing but the shell of a pack, one with members fast deserting. However, the lord had never considered giving up – he'd been called by the lady on that first day to protect the packlands, and he would live by the vocation she'd given her pack on that day. He would protect Bright Moon and maintain it as a place were those who had been hurt could come to heal. In the months after her departure, he'd done so to the best of his ability, and his diligence had only been rewarded. Slowly, but surely, life returned to the still lands, and among the influx living beings came the second wolves he had trusted, Venga and Ambrosia. Venga had been a shy teen who constantly hid behind a mask of lies, and Ambrosia a tough soldier who needed a place to lay her head. They'd been there for him through many circumstances, staying close and proving themselves numerous times as worthy of merit. Before he knew it, Tamlin had allowed himself to rely on others once again, but now his fragile trust had once again been betrayed. Where were the two whom he had come to trust?

Bright Moon was not silent, nor was it desolate, but even so Tamlin felt a crushing sense of wrongness. He felt concerned rather than paranoid, but nevertheless he wished he had news of Venga and Ambrosia.

He worried about Venga considerably more than he worried about Ambrosia, despite the fact that she had been off the radar for only a very short period of time. Ambrosia was the very spirit of defiance and confidence, a powerhouse of ability, fitness and intelligence. She was a skilled fighter and knew what was best for herself. If she left Bright Moon, it was surely for a good reason. Venga, however, was not quite as strong as her charcoal-hued counterpart. The pale lass was intelligent, yes, but somewhat lacking in fighting power. Not only that, but Tamlin had parted ways with his Gamma on awkward terms. Thinking back on the stony silence and stilted lyrics she'd forced from him with her enamored confession made the pallid emperor want to throw himself into a miserable hole in the ground and stay there until he died of dehydration. He was deeply fond of Venga, yes, and would protect her with his last breath, but his feelings were not romantic. All of his love was caught up with his memories of Satowra – he didn't even know if he would ever be able to feel that tender emotion again. And even if he did feel something toward her, what was he supposed to do with her feelings when he would never be able to reciprocate them like she deserved? Venga needed a male with a whole heart that beat only for her, not a stone-cold statue who still pined after some long lost woman who hadn't even cared for him.

He was planning to leave for Saw Tooth soon and inquire further about the potential alliance that the Queen Moth had proposed, but something stopped him from leaving immediately. Rather than vacating his territory, he moved to patrol the borders once more, his frame settling into the rhythm almost unconsciously. Minutes passed as his limbs propelled him further, his mind concerned with thoughts of both trivial and business nature. His motion had not been sustained for long when a sound brought him to an immediate halt. It was a whole-throated howl, raw with suffering, yet in the end containing a glowing seed of hope. He recognized the tone of the voice without delay, his pert auds taking it in and deciphering it. That beautiful sound could only come from one creature: Venga. Tamlin needed no further spur to action than the perceived sadness in her vocalization. He'd hurt Venga, and no matter what, he needed to make sure she was well. The subtle agony in her cry had caused his chest to twinge painfully, and his mind to rebel. He did not want to live in a world where Venga made such sorrowful noises. It wrong, something that he could not allow. He wanted his golden Gamma to smile and laugh, not to cry and feel pain.

Before he knew it, he'd set off in her direction, not even taking the time to be silent. The trees seemed to flash by as the king's athletic frame passed them by, and soon he found himself in the most devastated area of Bright Moon, the scar that had never healed fully. He slowed to a trot amidst the burned sentinels, the fine ash under his ivory paws sending out small puffs with each stride. Before long, the dark, almost ominous forest thinned, revealing a shape. . Tamlin's navy blue eyes zeroed in on the lump of fur. Venga was laying on the ground, her stance too defeated for him to even consider turning back. He kept his gaze fixated on her as he moved forward yet again, this time more hesitantly. The stag closed the distance between their two bodies before lowering his haunches to the sullied ground. He didn't know what words would rectify their potentially torn relationship without giving her the wrong idea, so he merely allowed one word to escape his lips, his lilting voice concerned. “Venga.” It was a statement as well as a question, his tone open-ended enough that she could choose whether she wanted to explain her problems or merely sit in silence with him.

ooc: wow crs, sound seducing the Minnie-kins much, eh? <3 Gotta love Hallelujah <333333333 And Venga of course :3 SO MUCH FLUFF~

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Literature © Tamlin, Minnie

© Blossom Forest, 2010


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