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And yet the menace of the years
finds and shall find me unafraid.

He immediatly felt a little bad for throwing her off so badly. Owen hadn't considered the fact that she was new and so might not know exactly where she was and he could understand her almost panic. He, himself, had a tendency to get lost and end up running around aimlessly the previous year. Fortunately, the professors were generally understanding and forgiving of the first years during their inital couple of weeks as they got settled in and accustomed to the sometimes maze-like castle.

Owen bit the inside of his cheek and gave the girl an apologetic look.

"Uh, yeah, sorry. This is Professor Marwick's classroom," he said in almost a murmur as he looked from the pools of onyx that were her worried eyes and to the schedule she held out in front of them. He squinted out of habit, because with his glasses he could see the letters just fine. "Yeah, yeah. Looks like you should be in Charms in... forty-five minutes. You got plenty of time, don't worry about it. I could even walk you there if, uh... you think you'll need help finding it."

The lanky young boy had to at least offer, because Owen was not much if not considerate (and awkward and goofy and nerdy). At least, as considerate as a child can be when they are born selfish monsters of the Id and are just learning to put themselves in to the shoes of others. He remembered how off-kilter the start of his first year had been, even with the immediate friends he had in Albus Potter and Rose Weasley. Owen couldn't be certain if Deneb had any friends yet or not, but her early arrival to an empty classroom suggested she might not.

(What did that say about him, though?)

"He's a second year, like me. We've been friends for... probably almost forever, though." He smiled genuinly, all pearly little teeth and slightly crooked lips that made him look a little goofy even when he was just starting to relax. "You've probably heard of the Potters, or at least the Malfoys. Er, if you're not Muggleborn, of course... What I mean is, Scorpius isn't so bad, either. You might like him, too, once you get past the... moody grumpiness."

A pause, because when are Owen's thoughts ever collected?

"He's a Slytherin, too... and a second year... Yeah."

crush my heart into embers
and I will REIGNITE

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