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There had been so much for him to think about - Seren, Diveen, Iromar, his family. He'd certainly filled his plate up fast since coming back from the dead but rather than dwell on just how much work it would become, he was glad he had purpose once more and the chance to help. How would he help exactly? Well, he hadn't quite worked that part of it all out yet but he was sure he would in time. For the time being, though, he had been attempting to find his father somewhere in the midst of the free lands - Isola and the others were to march on Iromar calling for the release of the prisoner but Elric had other plans. Besides, he did not feel... right going to storming into his mother's pack in search of a wolf he did not know. He was sure the warriors Isola took with her would do the job and though he hoped wholeheartedly that they get this Andromeda girl back, he was mostly interested in helping his father at that stage. It was not safe in Iromar anymore, or so he thought.

He had taken to the Mid Western crater, knowing it to be the closer crater to Iromar and one of his father's preferred locations; the snow made it difficult for him to track any scents but every so often, he would release a short howl in summoning. He'd hoped that his father would be nearby, and he was not disappointed by the sudden breeze that brought with it the fresh aroma of his father. This time, it was different though and it did not reek with blood and festering sores - no, it was... better. With an excited wave of his tail, his mouth broke into a toothy grin as he darted forward through the snow towards the origin of his father's scent - and there he was! Healthy once more, without injury... it was how Elric had been hoping to see him.

"Father!" he called, stopping a yard or two from him, his tail arched up and waving cheerfully, "I have been looking for you! Are you okay? I heard about what happened to Iromar - are they treating you right?"

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