THUNDER KINGKing of Diveen






















Taliesin, ★Solara
Shadowstorm, Junketsu
Yin, Nord, RurikΔ, PascalΔ
Luxa, ★☓WrenΔ, Sparrow, ★Xavier

Valkyria, Noctis
Emil▼, Maude

DawnYoung Pups
Inari, Raksha
Mabel, Jaime, Larionus
DUSKGeneral Population
Celeste, Finch, Andriel, Beltran, Senketsu, ★Undyne, ★Dirk, Vasily, Faolan, Mugen

Orion, Nevaeh▼
Heyel, Voltaire, Azrael, Isola, Andromeda, Jaeger, Maddox, Enderly, Yojimbo
Kattari, Grimoire, Blackthorne


Summer has arrived. The world has been well at peace, and others seem to be trying to take advantage. They believe we are lazy and complacent. We are no such thing. Remain vigilante, friends and family.

Give your congratulations to Maiko. She has been promoted to Blizzard; she earned it.

We also have an activity check going. Please reply so I can make adjustments accordingly. Check will go for an entire month so we can hopefully capture everyone.

As always, if you have need of me, do not hesitate to find me.

-- Arturio

‡ = Pregnant | ☓ = Stolen | ♦ = Captive | ★ = Promotion Pending | Away | ▼ = Assassin | Δ = Apprentice

Return to Lunar Children

He had spent hours next to her body. Hours filled with a pain that ripped deep into his very core. She was lifeless. Empty. A mere shell of what she used to be. It was just a body, just a vessel for life to breath in. She was gone and only her body remained. Yojimbo lay next to her, bloodied in denial at first. he could feel his insides swirling, tightening. He had failed to protect her, from this creature that ended her life. He knew the marks. He saw the bites. No deer or moose did this. It was one of claws and teeth. He could smell the scent of feline on her remains. Yojimbo had not gotten here in time to protect her. As much as his mind wanted to blame himself, as much as he wanted to think that it should have been him, he knew that was no the case. He was meant to live and she was meant to die. He was meant to live with the pain of her absence. She was on the other side now, somewhere among the stars she lingered. There was nothing of her here now. There was no rise and fall of her chest. There was no glimmer of light in her eyes. There was only stale blood and the cycle of life. Yojimbo no longer felt the wind pushing him towards her, for she is no longer here. The bond was shattered, and the body that lay before him was no longer his Pompeii, his Gaia. He felt as he did before he met her, and it was a much colder place.

He could not linger any longer. Vega needed him. She was now all that he had of Pompeii. She was a part of her that still lived, that still thrived and screamed for life. Yojimbo knew he had to find someone to keep her alive, for she was not weaned. Yes. Vega was the life of Pompeii now. This...this was nothing, the red body before him. Yojimbo had to move on from the remnants of the past. He had to look to the future. He may be in pain, a pain so dark and deep, but it would not consume him. Pei would not want that of him. She would want her daughter to be safe. She would want all the puppies of Diveen to be safe. That is what she would want. Yojimbo knew this for he knew Pompeii. He knew her soul, he felt it like it was a tangible thing to touch. He could taste it, see it, hear it. It was unlike anything else, so different than his connection to Akasha. With hesitation, Yojimbo lifted his dark chocolate form from the grass tainted with the remains of Pompeii. The primal side of Yojimbo leaned down, his dark muzzle reaching to nudge her face on last time...just to make sure. Blue eyes fell upon her in their icy gaze, waiting for a movement that was never going to come. It was time. He knew it but part of him wished to deny it...he knew not to be foolish but it was more difficult than that. It was time and he would sing the song...the song his people sang when one returned to the place of origin. The sun was setting in the distance, on the other side the stars were popping up for the first time since this parting of the souls. Yojimbo lifted his head, a howl of low tones vibrating the sky. It was the song of parting. So sweet and so slow, so tuned to the falling star in the sky. It would last, longer than normal for a song sung alone. It was never meant to be sung alone. Yet, there was no one here to sing with him. Ice blue eyes were closed as his soul poured into the whole of Diveen. They will all know the sorrow. They will all know the song of parting.

With the song completed, he did not look down again. He did not rest his eyes on her form, for that is no longer her. She is gone and this he knew. Yojimbo turned, paws still caked in her blood now catching dirt and grass. Vega was waiting. She was probably getting hungry and he had to provide for her, his little piece of Pompeii. He moved in his ghostly ways, each step a step of pain from the inside. His icy eyes were plastered forward, like a haze was over them in how he seemed so...soulless as of this day. His ears were pinned against his head, but not for long. Screams. He heard screams. They got louder as he approached the den. Vega. He must protect Vega. Yojimbo quickened his pace into nothing else but a sprint. Dark legs bolted forward to see Dimitri near the entrance of the den, the source of the screams that still ring in his ears. Yojimbo slowed as he came from the other direction of Dimitri, walking up to the den with a calm confidence, and yet on this day, there was an extra harshness that usually did not grace his face. Mother. He speaks of mother. Pompeii, she had other pups, other family that he never met. Pei was always the motherly type. He was not too surprised to find a young male screaming for a mother at the mouth of her den...yet it wasn't a good time. Dimitri looked stressed, shaking, a complete mess. Yojimbo remained composed as he stood before him, his blue eyes staring at him as he had his little break down. He just stares at first, his body stopping, his breathing heavy and the blood of Pompeii still on his paws. He stared and he stared as Dimitri called for mother. Yojimbo's eyes narrowed, his tail flicking behind him. He clenches his teeth as his ears fall onto his skull.

"Quiet, boy.....Boy....Quiet. Listen to me, you will. She is dead, boy. Pompeii is dead. Gone, she is gone. Pompeii is no more. You hear me boy? Parted from this world. It was a cat, boy. A cat. It took her away. She is gone, boy, she is gone..." he said with a firm voice, so deep and yet it shook. It shook as his lip quivered., a single ear flickering in an attempt to hold himself together. His lips were closing and squirming, never quit finding a spot to be comfortable. His blue eyes till remained on Dimitri. He didn't know if he was talking about Pompeii. He didn't know. It was just...just all that was on Yojimbo's mind. Dimitri happened to be here. He happened to be at the den after he discovered her head. He happened to be the one Yojimbo spoke to, to let it sink in that she was gone. Yojimbo's whole body began to shiver at the sight of Dimitri, after hearing his screams, his pain and feeling his own pain inside. Yojimbo shook and his teeth clenched even harder.

"She is gone, boy..." he said, the breath he was holding and didn't even realize, rushing out as his head fell, his eyes closed, and his body tensed. Vega...Vega was close and she needed him. She needed to see him strong. She needed someone strong in her life...Yojimbo had failed Pompeii but he would not fail Vega. No...she is all that is left of Pompeii.


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Lightning Queen
The Queen of Diveen. She may accept all challenges and block any steal. She is the sworn protector of the pack and all who reside here.

Thunder King
The Lightning Queen's mate and second-in-comman. He may accept any challenge and block all steals. He may accept new members. This position cannot be challenged for but is currently empty.

This rank belongs to the closest advisor to the Lightning Queen. This wolf can block steals and accept new members. When there is no Thunder King, this rank may accept challenges. This rank cannot be challenged for. Stormfront
These wolves are the protectors of the borders and are personal guards to the Lightning Queen. They may help to gauge new wolves and are essentially the domestic protector. In certain times they may be called upon to resolve domestic disputes, but generally they are tasked with watching the borders or staying close to the Lightning Queen. At times, information may need to be brought to the Stormfront who will personally deliver messages to the Lightning Queen.

The Quake is the lead warrior and in charge of the Tremors, who make up the brute force of the pack. This wolf is a protector of the borders and may accept new wolves. They may be called upon to help gauge a new member. They train the Tremors.
The Haze is the head thief and secret keeper of the pack, charged with acting in the pack’s best interest and operating with a low profile. They train the Mists. They also act as a scout, relaying and finding out information. They work closely with the Tsunami. This wolf may block steals.
The Monsoon is the lead healer and caregiver of the pack. They are tasked with healing wounds, assisting with births, and making sure that the pack remains happy and healthy both mentally and physically. They may also be called upon to boost morale through storytelling or other means. They train the Rains.
The Tsunami is the lead diplomat and peacekeeper, tasked with protecting the pack from internal and external strife, as well as form treaties and ally with other packs in conjunction with the Lightning Queen and Whirlwind. They report directly to the Lightning Queen, and train the Tides.
The Blizzard works closely with the Haze, but is more of an information gatherer. They may act as a thief at times, but are largely tasked with spying and scouting, reporting their findings to their superiors.
The Hurricane is the head hunter of the pack. They train the Wind and organize pack hunts. Rainbow
This wolf is the joker of the pack. Their job is to bring a smile to everyone's face and try to keep a light mood. They will be tasked with caring for pups and keeping an eye on them. They are the keeper of all types of fun and games for the pack.
The Gale is concerned mostly with keeping track of the history of the pack, collecting stories and learning of events that might have happened long ago. They might tell history as stories to pups or create events in honor of those who have gone before.

These wolves report to the Quake and make up the protectors and warriors of the pack.
The agents of the Haze, these wolves are tasked with maintaining order through more secretive means.
The Tides are diplomats and report to the Tsunami, they may be tasked with updating treaties or contacting allies.
These are the healers and caregivers of the pack, and they report to the Monsoon. They may be called upon as healers or babysitters.
These are the hunters of the pack, responsible for feeding each member. They report to the Hurricane.
These are the scouts of the pack, reporting to the Blizzard- they are involved with information gathering, both internal and external, and may be called upon as guerilla fighters of sorts should the time come.

The general members of the pack, those who have not yet chosen a path or rank. However, they are still highly valued and may be called upon for other things.
The apprentices of the pack, pups older than one who are in training.
The innocence and the future of our pack.
Esteemed guests of the pack.

Those allied with the pack, to be treated with respect and offered assistance.
Those who shine down upon us and guide us with their light.
Those who have proven themselves enemies of the pack, they should not be trusted.
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