Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


This Element is Radioactive, and it's Ready to Blow

A black femme stood at the bottom of Misty Mountain. Plutonium's goal today was to climb to the very peak of Misty Mountain- or what looked like a peak, for the mist that hung around the mountain like a huge, cloudy sombrero covered it completely. Plutonium decided very quickly that it was best to climb the mountain of mist with another wolf. But who? Plutonium searched with her golden eyes, but she was seemingly invisable to all the other wolves around her, despite her spazzy personality and russet and creme markings like lightning bolts on her pelt. Hmmm… I guess I'll just wait. She mused, and daydreamer to pass the time. Her daydream ended quickly, and now her mind was sucked up of its imagination. "AUGH! I'm so BORED! MMEEEERK!" Plutonium moaned and rolled on the floor. "Blek." She stuck out her tongue and pretended to die. "I thied oth borthum. Thelp!" She cried through her tongue. Plutonium dropped her pistons to the ground and started rolling around, humming. Everyone knows that if you're bored you should start rolling around. No? Okay… "Blah. Bleh. Ek." She said everytime she rolled on her belly. "Blahh." She pretended to die again on her stomach. "Ehh? Thuck!" Now her tongue was stuck. "BLEHHHH!" Plutonium screamed. She cursed her puppy-like playfulness. "Urrr!" She growled, and tried to unlatch her tongue without pullin the damn thing off.

Plutonium||PacklessTrying to Join Aurora Borealis Pack||Mateless||Female||Teen||Zilo the Wisdom Wolf||


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