Romance is in the air...this is probably the most beautiful and scenic place in Blossom Forest. For the athletic and determined to come with their mates, for time away from pups. Only adults may come here; some of the ledges are too far apart for teens or pups to cross and some too high to scale.


.:. A Light For Every Shadow .:.

Esubi felt more comfortable around Albiorix
than she ever had around any other wolf. It was
weird, they haven't known each other for that
long, but it was true. The creamy colored feya
looked up into his beautiful blue gaze with her
estatic blues.

"It really doesn't matter to me,"

She was not that hungry, or thirsty. Esubi sent
Albiorix a huge smile. All she truely wanted to
do was sit here with the gorgeous male and the
magnificent veiw. She kept that to herself,
though. Esubi didn't know if he liked her that
way, even she didn't know if she liked him that
way. All she knew for sure was that she wanted
to be next to him forever.

The femme was not extreamly worried about
the pack that they were unable to join.
Everything usually worked itself out somehow.

"I know, you should not be worried either."


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