The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


A Darketh Past

The howling became louder and louder. Tryst was unconscious next to him. Trodden leaned forward, his eyes made of liquid fire. Darketh leaned backwards, barely able to feel the wall behind him. Darketh fell next to Tryst. This is it, Tryst, we're gonna d i e .Trodden leaned over his subconscious prey hungrily. He was about to tear both of their souls from their body when…

A shadow fell over Trodden. " Y O U . " It growled. "I thought I got rid of the last if you years ago. Why didnt I think of searching this chamber? Your species aren't allowed here, Trodden. I'm afraid you're going to have to move to Sacred Stones." It spoke in a firm feminine voice. Darketh gasped as the tornado abruptly stopped. It was so silent you could hear a beetle sneeze. Darketh soon realized that a normal wolf couldn't order around demons. Darketh opened his aching eyelids. Everything hurt like they had been dropped belly-first ten feet. A thin outline of a white wolf was visable in the black cavern. Blue orbs flashed. "You can come out now, Darketh and Tryst." Great howls! It knows their names! Darketh stood up to face the figure. "Kaïve?" But she was gone.

Darketh prodded Trysr. "Yo, it's gone." Darkerh couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. That was it? Their time with Trodden had been so short. Darketh walked over to the large pool in the side of the cavern. He bent down to drink it. His tongue didnt taste water, though, it tasted the metalic taste of b l o o d . "NO! Ew! Yuck! Blek! Phheh! Peh! Ew!" He spat. So that was what caused the bloody scent that got them into this mess. A wolf skeleton stood at the bottom. Obviously the blood was this victim's. Darketh had an odd feeling that it was Ezererh. While he waited for Tryst to awake, he stared at an odd sort of giant lizard's skull. Coooool.


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