Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


just a little slower

Seline is not just the distant memory she should be after our little chat in the cavern. Much like the gray and white ghost of Sookie, she stays on the brain far longer than I would find comfortable. Why must these deadly females capture my attention so? Sookie with her deadly beauty, all southern twang and perfection with a naughty streak taht likes to be satisfied...again and again. Young Cade, the daughter of Seline but every bit her daughter. Mysterious and unpredictable, she lights a fire when she speaks to me and even though I still see the young girl who thought to smart mouth me, the girl whose chest I bruised from a nasty shoulder when she got too close for comfort, I am starting to see a whole new side to the new queen of Andere, a very appealing side. And yet I can't stop thinking about her mother, the former queen of Andere, the red and white female with a dark side that she's not afraid to show at all times. Straight forward and yet it's easy to see that she houses her own dirty little secrets. I must run into her again, but how? She has yet to show her face in Andere even though I know that's her true home here in Blossom. And so I venture out to Misty Mountain, looking to cool down my fiery thoughts with the lower temperatures. All these damned wolves and my unsatisfied testosterone. I need release and I haven't fed in a day or so. I'm growing restless, irritated, like a walking time bomb just waiting for the right amount of pressure. She left before I could get more out of her but it's not like I wasn't willing to play hard to get myself. I know when someone's interested and even though I would have liked nothing more than to stay and "play" some more, I wanted to bait Seline and leave her waiting, wanting. I like suspense, what can I say? It only makes the moment build up more and I just can't wait until it's ready to go off. When I reach the foot of the white topped peaks, I don't stop there. Jumping to the first rock, I start the ascent, no sure why I'm going up, just that I plan on doing it until I'm good and satisfied with where I'm at. I pick up the pace, wanting to feel my muscles burn with exertion as the adrenaline starts to pump through my system. Suddenly a scent blows through my nostrils, warm and all too familiar. Seline. She's here, but where? I snap my head, ice blue eyes narrowing in the wind, trying to see through the fog and snow. Finally I see a speck of red and I know it's her. It has to be. Grinning an impish grin, I crouch and move in, my white coat blending in perfectly. I come up around to her other side, enjoying the view of her climbing. She's quite agile, herself, though I never doubted her for a second. Once I'm within range, I pounce, leaping straight at her to tackle her to the snowy ground. I know it won't hurt her, most likely just surprise her. I'll attempt to pin her to snow so I can get a better look at her, perhaps tilt my head and give her a teasing smirk. If she manages to get me off somehow, I'll roll in the snow and get back to my paws to face her, the same smirk on my features, stance widened and ready, eyes twinkling wickedly as my tail lashes at my flanks.

"Long time, no see, Seline. What brings you to the white tipped moutains? Come to enjoy the view? I can't say I'm complaining." My eyes drink her in, devouring her hungrily as my skin tingles with more than the cold.

so just bite me baby
and drink all my blood

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