slip the jesses, my love

Morgana followed Amber into the house. The doorway was a little lower than that of her own cottage, and she was rather on the tall side. She found herself inclining her head a little in order to enter. Some might have thought the little quirk quaint, or even endearing, but Morgana had little time for things that did not serve a practical purpose. If it had been her cottage, she would have been having the entranceway heightened. It was lucky, she reflected, that the Commune’s newest resident was a woman, and not a man over six feet. They might have had to find a different cottage, and since the dragon attack they Commune had been filling up quickly. They would need to start building shortly. The inside of the cottage was homely enough. There was plenty of natural light which would be something of a blessing as the nights got longer. A thin layer of dust had gathered on some of the furniture and surfaces as time had gone by, but it would clean up quickly. “I can help you clean up a bit, if you like,” Morgana offered, putting down her bow and leaning it against the wall just inside the doorway before shrugging off her quiver and rested it beside her weapon. “Between the two of us, it shouldn’t take very long at all.”

It had been year since Morgana had been anything akin to shy and she had found it increasingly easy to engage with strangers, adopting a tone and manner much the same as the one she displayed around family and close friends. There was something about Amber however, something familiar, that set Morgana strangely at ease. It meant that she had few misgivings when Amber posed her question. “I don’t know,” she confessed, as she instructed Kraar to look around the room again, “but I can find out.” Closing her eyes Morgana focused upon the far wall of the room and slowed her breathing down, allowing first air, and then magic, to flow through her system. It worked. Moments later, the girl experienced a series of flashing images, one after the other in quick succession. Her eyes flicked open, the black replaced almost entirely with white until she shook her head, and allowed the visions to fade. “A family,” she smiled, “a man, a woman, and a little boy. I saw them packing boxes. I wonder where they went?”

Looking at Amber again, Morgana felt the feeling of familiarity mounting. She could not place immediately what it was until the girl turned her head a little to the left. When she saw it, she kicked herself for not having noticed sooner. It had taken a certain angle to make it obvious, but Morgana knew Mallos’ face well enough to recognise something of his features in Amber. It was fortunate that she was using Kraar eyes, or it might have been obvious that she was staring. Morgana had only met the two siblings she possessed through her mother. She had grown up separated by the mountains from the rest of the so-called Mallos generation. “...I’m sorry,” Morgana said, with another smile that cleared a small frown from her face, “but are you...Is Mallos your father?”

photography by CatDancing at flickr.com


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