Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


simple song birds[complete]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This was not how the…whatever it was, was supposed to go. He was supposed to get Sophie out of this unknown land before anyone else came and saw them and then back to the den before their mother had awoken from her slumber. But, it turns out, that was not to be. He heard the big male before he saw him. He might pride himself on being quiet, but to Caspian’s anxiety ridden senses, it was like thunder ringing through his ears. Oh dear. They would tell Da and then Da would be angry with him, probably because he let Soph get away. He turned frustrated green orbs towards the direction, scowling cutely as the large black male stormed into the clearing. He listened patiently, quietly controlling his temper. ”Why should I tell you? You have little to no contact with my mother and, while you come in a bit of contact with my father occasionally, it isn’t very comforting. Therefore, I refuse to explain my actions to you.” He replied, feeling quite proud of himself for his dignified reply. ”If you’re looking for a promotion, well you won’t find one here. I could have gotten us home by myself. All you’re doing is trespassing, which endangers the alliance with Bright Moon. Or, I think that’s what Mommy calls this place.” He paused his rant, confusion coloring his features before they returned to form a scowl, allowing the male to speak again. ”If you hadn’t butt in, I could’ve gotten Sophie and myself out of the lands. No muss, no fuss.” He growled.

And then a lovely, much more familiar scent invaded his nares, causing a grin to form on his lips. ”Lita!” He said with delight, little tail wagging as he bounded over towards the molted female, stretching to bump his head against her head with delight. He flattened his ears unhappily. ”That was the plan. Until some wolves decided I was incapable of getting myself and Sophie across the border and back to Cold Summers.” He shot the two wolves a glare, which as he aged would become a fear inspiring as his father’s. Then, oh joy, another male decided to join the party. His mane spiked and he stepped in front of Soph, who, clueless to her surroundings, was bouncing after a ugly toad. ”Hello. I am Prince Caspian, son of Axel and Pandora, alphas of Cold Summers.” His tone was formal, just like Mum had taught him to behave when he met strangers. ”I, personally, am simply here to retrieve Princess Sophie, who has mistakenly crossed the border. I was simply hoping to find her and bring her back home. I’m not sure, exactly, what the members of my father and mother’s pack are doing here, though.” Okay, so he threw them under the bus a little, but had they not interfered, he could have been over the border with Sophie by now! Then, another female, who was obviously dominant, sauntered in, her face just as foul as her pack members.

But it instantly softened as she saw the pair of royal children, which Caspian was glade for. At least she wasn’t hostile, as the male in the omega position appeared to be. She made silly faces at them and he giggled, sounding his age for once. Her mouth dropped and he assumed she had figured out just who they were. He listened quietly, his tall frame standing in front of the other Cold Summerians. No need for them to make any wild sayings. No need for them to speak on behalf of him and Sophie anymore. He nodded his head, opening his maw to speak. ”We wish no conflict with your pack, either. A simple misunderstanding, I assure you.” She seemed to be ignoring the adults, so he gave her a charming, beam of a smile. She gave them a meek smile and he grinned, white tipped tail wagging wildly and he couldn’t help but bounce into a play bow, slapping his paws on the ground, giving a little yip. She introduced herself and he opened his mouth again. ”I’m Caspian, Axel and Pandora’s son. This is Sophie, my sister.” He smiled brightly at her. ”Your eyes are pretty!” He blurted out, giving her a shy smile. And then…the big black male started talking and he gave a huff of anger, glaring viciously at the older wolf. Why did they think he was incapable of speaking?! He glared darkly at the older wolf, the fluffy puppy man on his shoulders fluffing up with his anger.

And then, Odessa but in. He glared at his sister, huffing impatiently. ”Dessa!” He growled. ”Why are you here? Mum told us to stay in the den. I only came after Soph! Why did you need to come too?” He glared at her, shoulders hunching as he sulked. There was no need for them to be here! Well, besides Venga. He liked her. He was more than happy to have her there. She was nice! And, he hoped, focusing on the pretty white/cream fae in front of him that she would play with him. He ignored his siblings, well Odessa honestly, and focused back on Venga, pawing playfully at the ground in front of her paws before hopping back and bowing, tail wagging as he waited for her response.

[ooc.] I think we need a posting order, so no one gets left behind? Starting after Pixie, since she’s the last claim. If that’s fine with you guys, I figured this out, it goes first to last.

Xhallowremains--Lycaon[sorry if i spelled that wrong]
Sunii Dii--Odessa
Rosie--Katzi[sorry if I spelled that wrong]
Whoever else joins the thread

[word count;; 961]

[ wren | pup | Axel&&Pandora | brother to odessa & sophie | prince of Cold Summers | suniidii ]


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