The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


&& you say i'm the perfect drug

She seems confused at first when I launch forward to nip playfully at her shoulders, as if she had expected something different from me. I figure I'm doing her a charity by turning this into something playful over the mushy air that was choking both our lungs not so long ago. If I know anything about her, I'd say she's getting overwhelmed by it just like I am. She should be thanking me for this. I turn to run before she can retaliate, hoping against hope that she'll catch on like the intelligent creature she is and come after me so we can spend more time in each others' presence. I do actually enjoy our time together, though as joyful as I am over the news that she loves me, I'd rather go back to charming her while she rolls her eyes and sends insulting comments my way. Is that so wrong? It wasn't awkward then. She didn't have such fear in her eyes and she didn't always seem to be looking for an escape route. It was easy, natural. What just happened in the cave, that was earth shattering, yes, a real heart stopper, but the air was thick and suffocating with anticipation and tension. I hated it. I hate seeing her like that, knowing I'm the cause of it and I'd rather never make her feel that way again. I don't want her doubting herself. It's okay if she doubts me. I'll prove her wrong again and again for the rest of our lives if I have to. I'll show her that she's the only one I want, the only one I'll have. I actually look forward to proving it. I want to see her graceful and at ease with herself once more, no longer flicking her ears back in uncertainty. After a moment, I hear her paws hitting the earth, striding toward me. My lips pull into a smirk, eyes gleaming with new life as I feel her body moving ever closer to my own. Her fur brushes up against my thigh, my flesh burning at her touch, burning with hunger for more. I head toward a small lake that's near the cave, trying to find anything for distraction to stall the moment when we'll separate and go our own ways. When we reach the lake, I don't hesitate, my back legs coiling beneath me on the edge as I launch right off the shallow bank into the depths of the lake. I'm flying for a moment, legs stretched out before and behind, and then I hit the surface with a splash, my head ducking under for a moment before I start paddling, my head soon coming back above the surface. I'm laughing, ears flickering as I shake my head to get it out of my ears. Turning my head back toward the banks, I look toward the bank I'd used as a diving board to see where my shadow is at the moment.

Nikandros_male_adult_no mate_brother to Leonidas, Kaizer, Ariston & Nyrobi_Queens x Arcadian x Sidorio _prince of Malignant Felicity

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