At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Why Should I Care About You,

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Why Should I Care About You,
When No One Cares About Me?


Nickolai smelt something in the air, but it was just a wolf, from what he could tell. There weren't many around, he could just be smelling one of them. But it came closer, and he could tell what gender now.

Female. He smirked while still facing the water. He sniffed again. In heat. That made him smirk even more. Perfecto. He thought as the woman got closer. His ears stayed perked, listening to each and every step making the girl approach closer and closer.

But he didn't move. He waited for the girl to come to him.

And she did.

The way she rolled her hips in that way got his attention. Oh, and that scent was pleasuring. Nothing could describe it.

This was going to be the best out of all the foolish females he played with as his toys.

The ivory ess sat next to him, as her banner trailed down his spinal cord. The lass spoke, and he listened intently. “I must say I do enjoy a nice surprise, but this? This really is just too much. Luck of the draw?” The multicolor brute gave a small chuckle and took his turn to speak. "Well, I must say, it's more my luck than yours. Such a prescense like yours being this close is killing me. I swear, I see some devil in those angel eyes beautiful." He smiled and wrapped his tail around her rump, and rubbed up against her before speaking again. "I must know your name princess, I just need to know or the suspense is going to kill me. I am Jasper."

This was all an act, the only thing that wasn't was how her scent of heat had effected him.

My luring movements and my dirty thoughts
"Words that put girls under a spell."

||Nickolai||Brute||Pack||Mate||Pups||Rosie <3||


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