Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Stars Burn, Skies Fall, Death Hunts

Even as she marked her teeth on the cleansed bone, she thought of her past life. It wasn't that great, actually. Charcoal had abandoned her for his own needs, she was raped twice, and her pups were probably all dead. Comet knew she had to start anew, and if her pups were still alive, she had to forget about them; she had to forget about everything. She had to forget about Autumn--no, she couldn't think or say his name. If she didn't, she might forget. She forgot the first brute to destroy her life by doing the same thing; the only thing she remembered was having pups that were adopted by her and Aut--she was doing it again! He was actually her most painful memory, so it would be hard, but not impossible, to forget. Comet snarled to herself and cleared her mind of everything, forgetting about her pups, her brother, and her life. This went on for many hours until everything was just a hazy memory of almost nothing--as it seemed to her--and then, perhaps the unthinkable happened. A new scent wafted in the air, and she thought it seemed quite familiar, but nothing and no one came to mind. Not even when the gingery pelt came into view, and not even when his eyes pierced against hers. She dropped her bone and retreated to a rock near the edge, standing tall as her silvery pelt sparkled. Comet growled warningly, as she would do to any stranger, but paused when the female heard his voice. Autumn...Leaf... She thought, and everything she was still trying to forget flooded back to her and snapped her heart like a twig. She crumpled at his words and felt her eyes water, but no tears fell. They had leaked away by the forgetting, as she had let her pain wash away like a river. After hearing the words, I need you, Comet, she charged at him and dug her face in his neck, sobbing--without tears--uncontrollably. The fae didn't care that he was one of the brutes who destroyed her life and deserted her for another, she didn't care that he was harming his pups. She just saw the same wonderful boy who she fell in love with all that time ago. The girl looked fondly at him and whispered, hoarsely,

"Yes, I will go with you, Autumn Leaf."

She was still wary of his presence, but her blue eyes shone with affection and adoration, and she rested her head on his neck. The pieces of her shattered heart slowly rearranged themselves so that they fit together, and she felt like all was good and beautiful again.


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