At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


We Were Born To Break Doors Down{CaspianONLY}

.: Female .:. mate .:. pups .:. pack
.:. PixieEclipse :.

Why did birds feel the need to sing so early in the morning? The bleary-eyed kalik rose unsteadily from her interrupted sleep, irritation plain on her features. Sleep was a necessity to perform well at life, plus it was actually quite enjoyable. Astarte did not like being so rudely awoken, and as she stepped daintily out of her make-shift den, she shot the melodious criminals a look that made them glad they were not currently in clawing range.

But, the sun was rising, and the day was starting so not much was lost. Stretching out, the girl heard several clicks along her spine as tired bones and muscles protested. She'd been training harder and harder lately, and her body was well aware of the fact. Still, she had subtle lean muscle to show for all her hard work, let alone skill. Today, however, was going to be a break from all the strenuous activities, as she found that one who pushed themselves too far were really just inviting unplanned injury into their lives. Blinking away the last of the sleep around her goldish-hazel portals, she took a few steps forward, mind starting to slowly turn and get up to it's normal fast pace.

She had absolutely no plans for today; the girl was just barely out of teen-hood, and regrettably knew no others in this strange land she had stumbled upon. For now, she had avoided packs, still feeling slightly raw and betrayed after the little episode with her own original home. By now, she would be expected to be finding a mate to pass on her genes to by now, and ensure the future of her species, but she wasn't so sure the same rule applied here. Were there even any other maned wolves in this place? She'd heard rumours that there was in fact a pack run by kaliks, but surely their bloodlines had not remained pure?

Letting her paws carry her wherever they please, the femme licked her chaps, considering all her options. She wasn't very hungry, so there was no need to hunt for prey, nor was she particularly in the mood for the lovey-dovey crap around the fields and likewise. All in all, the chestnut girl had no idea what to do with herself in this point of time, and so she continued to let her long stilts carry her across terrain easily.

Eventually, she pulled out of her thoughts, instantly recognising her surroundings. The large lake that took up a section of these lands was looming up ahead, and Astarte had a certain level of appreciation for it. The land itself was fertile and prey-rich; she approved of its general usefulness. Deciding that she may as well spend her time her, she sauntered easily closer to the waters, ignoring her reflection walking alongside her.

Finding a dryer patch, the girl tucked her tail under her as she sat back on her haunches, searching the area with not only her portals, but her nares and auds as well. Just because she had a 'day off', that did't mean she could slack off when it came to utilising and sharpening her skills. That would be a rather foolish mistake, no? Amusement momentarily lingered on her face; she had a good feeling about today.

.: A S T A R T E :.
 photo Astarte_zps31f421a0.jpg

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