At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


~Disappear only to Reappear~ (Baku/Sol)

The sun shone down onto the forest, not too hot, not too cold. It provided a solid temperature for an ideal atmosphere. The sand locally was just the right heat to give any animal a nice warmth that lasted awhile. Birds flew overhead, greeting each other with their songs of happiness, and all the while the world was well. A breeze filtered the air, sending new and improved scents to different territories to mingle with others. It was one of those perfect days where lupines and other animals found themselves driven to doing things out and about. Huge paws landed softly on the ground, leaving big prints larger than most adult males’. The titian was huge. He stood taller, wider, and overall bigger than the average male. However, some wolves with the right genes could grow as big as him. He had icy blue eyes that pierced the land like a nice cold breath. He often saw things others passed by without a second thought, which made his travels the most exciting. The brute looked up into the skyline as we walked along the beach, the water a perfect temperature along with the rest of the environment. The liquid surrounded his feet, cleansing his claws and the pads along his paws. The titian was a darker wolf. A darker grey or a lighter black, whichever one seemed most relevant. His undercoat was a pure white, but the blackness of his top coat provided in a contrast that was neutralized. Either way, he blended into the shadows with ease.

The brute had recently been to the cavern north of here in search of a staircase he had found months before. He met an ess as well, and together they risked their lives in the cave. The cavern had flooded, creating a whirlpool the almost killed the two of them. Something had also bit the lad’s foot, its teeth almost down to the bone. The brute looked at the wound then, scabbed over but still a bit red on the edges. He looked up again and started to run, eager to gain distance along the lake. The wind blew in his face and he was glad that there was not another cavern or large rock right above his head. His strides were big, his weight pressing his feet into large prints in the wet sand. He kept running, facing the wind at top speed, but still a bit slow from the sand that didn’t provide in a hard ground to push off of. The sand moved into the grooves of his paws, soon to be caked if he didn’t wash it off after they dried. The sun and the sand reminded him of his old home, maybe several hundred miles from Blossom Forest. It had been near the beach somewhere, and the memories of his home came flooding back to him. He started to tire, and raised his cranium, trying to find a place to rest. His gaze landed on a groove between two large rocks.

The lad slowed his pace, now moving at a slow trot. He arrived at the entrance to the small clearing, and inhaled the scent deeply. There was a few stale scents of wolves that had been here before, but from the lake of wind, it was clear no one had been here for a while. He entered swiftly. It was a small clearing covered in sand, a little bit warmer than the sand by the beach. It would fit about three more the size of him, and it reached down to another space of beach; it was a small cove. He smiled and layed down in the sand. Sitting there for a few moments, the brute noticed that this place would not be as fun without someone to share it with. He nodded once before rising to a sitting position. He waited.

words. .

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