A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


A walk to remember

The beautiful she wolf with pure black fur and blue eyes that faded to green sat at the shore of the river thinking quietly to her self. Amber was like a other typical wolf, but she had some different qualities about her but no one ever seemed to notice, she sighed at the thought and pawed at the ground as she stared down at the river seeing her reflection, she locked her eyes on her reflection and then took her gaze to the other side of the river seeing nothing. She stood up with a small smile and walked over to a rock and hopped on top of the rock and layed flat still thinking to her self as she watched around the river not know what to expect at the moment. Suddenly a feeling over took all her emotions, she had a feeling she was missing something big but she wasn't sure what it was, so she took her focus on what that missing feeling might be as her searching eyes sanned the area.


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