A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


Things happen for a reason

( sorry for the repost I messed up)

Ambers ears perked forward as she heard a brutes voice, she smiled wide and looked up at him seeing if he was as good looking as he sounded. Her tail began to slowly wag " I'm Amber" she said softly as she locked her eyes on yours. " what brings you here?" She asked tilting her head ciriously. Her tail kept wagging showing that she was friendly, she had a playful but interested look in her eyes as she studied over you. Her smile turned to a grin as she kept looking over you thinking to her self. She remained laying down on the rock not taking her focus off of you at all. Her thoughts kept rushing thought her head as she paciently waited for an answer


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