At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


I'm nothing but a broken angel.


Dull amber orbs became fixated on the multi toned figure watching her intently as she smiled away, noticeably assured of her strengths and weaknesses. Yoki could be read like a book, anxiety got the better of her and opened her up like a vulnerable fruit; the stranger on the other hand was mysteriously intimidating. Although the ebon fae knew exactly what this girl could be capable of, she keep her features emotionless. Gestures fell on her features that would simulate emotions in every other ‘normal’ varg, but this one had the skill of keeping even her smiles empty of feeling. But neither of these wolves could be deemed normal and so it wasn’t exactly strange to see that this ess had picked up skills that no other would really have. She seemed to be pleased with the fact that Yoki had allowed her to stay, though the darkened ess wasn’t. She hadn’t exactly wanted to meet any other wolf but fate had chosen to place this dark warrior in her path and so she would not anger the Gods and worsen her future.

‘You would do well to do so. I’m known as Carn.’ The lass was visually relaxed, yawning through her empty smile as if bored by the presence of Yoki. Her lyrics were laced with imperturbable tones and unlike the black fae she managed to keep her bodice still and collected. Deciding that her anxieties would really need to be keep under wraps with this creature Yoki tried her hardest to settle herself and reply to the ess, even though no question was flashed her way. ”I am Yoki.” She didn’t really know if the ess was bothered about her title and to be honest she didn’t care whether she wanted to know or not. These were formalities and she might as well give her name sooner rather than later and run the risk of seeming ignorant.

Blackened auds flickered once again as calm and riddled lyrics slipped from between the others dangerous ivories. Along with the song, the lass was shot an eye roll before Carnival shook her mane and settled into a crouched sort of position. Yoki chose not to answer the previous words, seeing no need for an answer. They provided information but were not followed by a question nor anything that prompted the lass to give information back. It was only when the timber lass mimicked Yoki’s actions did it spark something in the lass that she didn’t like. Clearly her actions had sparked something in Carn, something that could be relatively dangerous if she so chose it to be. ’Oh, do tell me about him. I’m not trying to threaten you hunny, but I can follow a scent for days. When I’m bored, there’s no telling what I might dig up... so don’t be shy.’ Her assumptions were unfortunately proved right when a dangerous smile appeared on the females features and her words stung like a thousand bee’s. No she was pushing her luck. ”There is not much to be said on the subject.” When it came to protecting Amatus, nerves were out of the question. This female had unsettled the ess far too much. She could do whatever she pleased to Yoki but she would never get to him. ”He is my mate. What else is there to know?” There were so many different statements Yoki could have used but most would no doubt start a fight or endanger the life of her mate. Amatus was strong and could protect himself... but... This one was sneaky and conniving and would plan something around their weaknesses. Yoki had seen many a wolf like this... Snakes!


i'm nothing but a broken angel;;
Word Count:

Yoki | Pupless | Tied to Amatus | Spring Grounds | Adult

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