Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


As the dark goes, the light comes in

Autumn had missed Comet. The titan MISSED her. The impossible was possible.

He had promised himself that if he had ever stopped the disgusting habit of raping random girls then ditching them, he would forget about all of them. That didn't exactly work. He missed Comet.

Just the way she was he loved her.

The russet titan, once noticing Comet, cocked his head as she ran away to hide behind a rock. Did she forget? He wondered, but it soon then dissapeared from her growling. But he still spoke. And, even if he wasn't successful, he would just walk away. He had tried.

But it worked better than he had expected. She leaped right into him after the words I, need, you, and Comet had exited his maw. She started crying, but not without tears. How he knew, his pelt was not soaked, which it would be if she was crying.

Her orbs met with his, and she spoke. "Yes, I will go with you, Autumn Leaf." though her voice was scratchy he couldnt help but smile, tears of joy slowly leaving his amber orbs. AutumnLeaf's muzzle rubbed against her cheek, then her neck, but he went no further. He had to give space to the girl he loved. Autumn had changed; he was not a raping brute anymore.

Sure, he might kill some wolves for a dinner still, but hey, sometimes habits don't break.

The mottled brute then walked back, coming face to face with Comet once again. "I missed you. And love you." Was all he had to say. It explained a lot in so little words.

Actions and thoughts.

.:. AutumnLeaf .:.Titan .:. Adult .:. lone father .:. Nickolai, Mila, Mika, Modone & Mirkol .:. Abendrot - Warrior .:.
.:. Rosie <3 .:.



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