A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


Fishing and Love (Open)

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She was worried about her brother – Kershov had still not named his price for his hospitality toward Channing and her pups, and it would no doubt be a price that no one would want to pay, yet for them to come home safely, or at all, it would be a price that would have to be paid. But she had not been granted save passage through Abendrot to visit Channing, only Moth and Henadin had, so there was no way for her to find out more unless she by chance came upon her brother once again. Even if he left Channing’s side again to go hunting, there was no definite way to find him, and knowing her luck, if she left to search him out, he and Channing and the pups would likely return to Saw Tooth in her absence. So instead, she decided to find things to do to busy her mind. She decided upon fishing. Kahlan raised her bodice off of the earth and shook it out, loosening the earth that had settled into her pelt while she had rested. Leaning backward, the fae stretched out her pack and her front claws and then proceeded to put most of her weight onto her forepaws, stretching each back leg out to its fullest one by one. Though fishing wasn’t a strenuous activity, the full-on gallop that she planned to make to travel to her fishing spot surely would be.

But before she could leave, she had to decide upon a place to go fishing – it was all about preference really. Leisure Lake would have bigger fish, but they would be more difficult to catch since most of them dwelled in the deeper areas of the lake. Finding good shallow fishing areas there would be difficult. Staircase Falls could be a good place to fish, especially when the fish migrated during their mating season when they traveled upstream – sometimes it was possible to simply swipe them out when them jumped, or when they took a break from swimming in one of the calm eddies. And then there was Romance River. The river itself was full of life, and the constantly moving water made a perfect habitat for a variety of species – it was like a buffet. Many parts of the river were shallow enough to stand in safely, even if the water did come up to her chest. And, of course, it had the added bonus of hosting a wide variety of the male persuasion.

Kahlan had wanted a mate for a long while, but it had never happened for her, never being the right time. Perhaps this was a good chance to let Lady Luck run its course. Males or no males, either way it would be a win-win situation, for she could practice her fishing skills and fill her stomach with the tasty flesh of the fish. Smiling to herself, she pushed off of the earth with her paws, her stride starting out slow but steadily gathering speed until she was running flat out through the packlands. Though running as such could be dangerous if you didn’t know the layout of the land, she had explored all of Saw Tooth and had no worries about injuring herself. As she crossed the invisible wall of scents that marked the edge of the terra, she slowed her pace just enough so that she could safely travel to Romance River.

It seemed to her that she made it to the river in record speed, but then again she had never actually been there herself. All around her she saw lupines – some by themselves and some in pairs. Kahlan resisted the urge to let her eyes travel around to look for handsome males. Instead, she traveled to the river’s edge and waded into the water until it just hit her knees. Then, she lifted one of her front paws and held it just above the surface of the water, and put the tip of her tail about a foot away from her paw. The idea being, of course, that the tail would scare the fish right into her waiting paw.

||Kahlan|| ||No Mate|| ||Saw Tooth|| ||Adult|| ||*Azura*||


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