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-- i have never been nothing.

I have never been nothing
That feeling that doesn't go away just did And I walked a thousand miles to prove it And I'm caught in the crossfire of my own thoughts The color of my blood is all I see on the rocks As you sail from me Alarms will ring for eternity The waves will break every chain on me My bones will bleach My flesh will flee So help my lifeless frame to breathe And God knows I'm not dying but I bleed now And God knows it's the only way to heal now With all the blood I lost with you It drowns the love I thought I knew The lost dreams are buried in my sleep for him And this was the ecstasy of a love forgotten And I'm thrown in the gunfire of empty bullets And my blood is all I see As you steal my soul

Morbi lacinia tortor et massa accumsan consectetur. Nunc at eleifend justo. Aenean eu mi neque, tristique pellentesque nisi. Sed dignissim, mi nec cursus fringilla, mi eros elementum nunc, in vulputate justo libero ac erat. Vestibulum dictum consectetur lacinia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,[b] consectetur adipiscing elit[/b]. Donec consectetur augue mi. Sed id dictum nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tempor, tortor eget pharetra vestibulum, ante purus viverra mauris, quis consequat est ipsum eget nunc. Morbi non lorem nunc. Integer posuere eleifend felis, in congue mauris ullamcorper placerat. Vestibulum porttitor auctor malesuada. Quisque hendrerit sem id velit tempus dictum in quis enim. Curabitur pulvinar leo a diam posuere ac porta magna viverra. Nunc vulputate dapibus leo sit amet tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Sed ullamcorper consectetur elit vitae ultrices. Morbi eget odio nisi. Donec a risus sapien, in mollis dolor. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum eu ante sapien. Morbi molestie tristique eros, ut gravida nibh elementum sed. Nam convallis varius odio, in dapibus elit interdum quis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque placerat egestas tortor eget aliquam. Etiam sagittis cursus leo in tempor. Etiam augue orci, tempor at ultricies mattis, aliquet vitae sem. Praesent ante tellus, porta ultricies fringilla id, hendrerit at nisi. [b]Maecenas volutpat lacus eu arcu facilisis iaculis. Fusce euismod [/b]bibendum nisl, semper consequat lorem laoreet id. Aenean id justo augue, eget sagittis arcu. Vivamus vel neque ut eros tincidunt pharetra. Pellentesque in odio mauris. Curabitur vel justo enim. Nulla magna elit, ullamcorper sit amet facilisis id, mollis nec augue. Etiam placerat risus at nisi accumsan ultricies. Etiam eget nunc ut justo fringilla bibendum ac id arcu. Proin a aliquam nisl. Aenean sed lorem non nulla condimentum commodo.

I am the blood of the mountain
ty sophia

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