A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


The Cry of Destiny

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OOC - yellow eyes, not amber okie dokie? <3

IC -

The silvered brute had put down his catch as she approached, and as Kahlan introduced herself, he had slowly smiled at her before opening his own maw in reply. Lovely name. I am known as Andúin, although Andie or In will do. And thanks, it was quite remarkable for me, I can hardly catch even one fish. The russet and grey fae smiled at him and laughed a little. "It is nice to meet you, Anduin. Your own name is a unique one, I have never heard it before. Normally, I am a great fisher, except when someone decides to scare all of the fish away... " Her words were not accusatory. Instead they were a sort of gentle banter, a flirtatious way at poking fun at the him. Anduin. After a fe moments of comfortable silence, the brute glanced away and Kahlan felt her auds wilt. However, his gaze then started to shift between herself and his catch, and the femme perked up once more, her plume even starting to sway slightly.

The grey titan nudged the larger of the two salmons toward her and then gestured to it with his plume. You can eat it, Kahlan. It would be my pleasure to give a present to such a lovely lass. A blush crept into her cheeks, only partially hidden by the red tinting in her coat. Compliments, well at least from brutes, were not something that she was accustomed to receiving. Before she could say anything in return, the brute tore into the second fish, and she wasted no time in eating the one he had presented to her. It was rude to refuse a gift, and anyway, she was hungry. That was the whole reason that she had come fishing. And this large of a salmon would go a good way in sating her appetite. The one that she had flung into the brush was all but forgotten. She would remember it later and surely would find it, but she would likely bring it back to the Tera for a meal later that night.

Finally, the brute finished his own meal just as Kahlan finished hers, and she began to clean herself of the juices from the fish. Her paw wiped off her muzzle and her tongue escaped, cleaning of the remnants. She repeated the action a few times until she was sure that she was fully cleaned. Raising her bright gaze, she noticed the brute staring at her, and she felt a brush creeping into her cheeks once again. "I thank you kindly for the snack, it was delicious." Once the food settled in her stomach, she felt a warm comfort slip over her. Th fae found herself feeling timid for her, perhaps, the first time in her life. "So, hum, Andúin... What brings you to the river? Or to Blossom Forest for that matter." So many questions were looming in her mind, yet she found that her tongue was silenced. A nervous giggle escaped from her lips as she awaited his response.
||Kahlan|| ||No Mate|| ||Saw Tooth|| ||Adult|| ||*Azura*||


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