Romance is in the air...this is probably the most beautiful and scenic place in Blossom Forest. For the athletic and determined to come with their mates, for time away from pups. Only adults may come here; some of the ledges are too far apart for teens or pups to cross and some too high to scale.


Drowning in Memory

The adult looks guilty when she speaks, but before Lolita can make her rebuttal, Apollonia had continued on, her next set of words clearly upsetting the adult rather than making her feel guilty. Her auds had flattened and hissed, lids slitting as she spoke. Don’t you dare… who do you think you are… But Apollonia had continued on with her rant, cutting her off once more. But it was the femme’s response to her last set of vocals that Apollonia didn’t see and didn’t hear, for she had already fallen off the side of the cliff. Her claws had raked into the rock wall, trying to slow her descend or get a pawhold, but it had been to no avail, and when she had landed on the ledge below there was an audible thump as she heavily fell, her body collapsing until her head slammed into the landing, and everything went dark.

The next thing she knew, she was awakening, pain wracking her body and nausea settled within her stomach. Her lids blinked once and the bright light of the sun overhead burned her orbs causing her to shut them once more. She tried to move, just to find that something was holding her down. Had rock fallen ontop of her? Slowly opening her lids once more, she glanced backward and saw a lupine standing over her. Apollonia, hunny. You need to wake up. A growl rumbled in Apollonia’s chest, but it turned to a vicious set of coughing – the dust that had been scraped off on her descent had settled within her lungs. “Get off me…” Her words were hardly more than a whisper, and she shook off Lolita’s paw, the fresh scent of blood suddenly rushing into her nares. Slowly, the teen stood, shaking all the while as her muscles tremored in shook of the abuse her body had just taken. Finally, when she stood to her full height, she slowly turned to observe her wounds. As she glanced toward her feet, she saw first and foremost how narrow the ledge was and was careful not to make and motion toward it’s edge, having no need nor want to fall once again.

Her paws were soaked in blood, her claws bleeding from scraping down the rock wall. One of her ankles was most likely sprained, having caught itself on a crevice on the way down. One shoulder was openly gushing blood, having gotten scraped to hell on the way down. Muscles and sinew showed through her pelt, all of the skin having been stripped away and laid in a flap against her side. Aside from that, the rest of her was completely bruised, from every joint to every bone. Her whole body ached. But nothing was fatal. Turning her emeralds back to Lolita, she narrowed her slits. “I don’t know you…” It was no false claim – once more, amnesia had settled into her brain from the head injury. Luckily, this one would be short term and would fade on the way back to the pack territory, but unbeknownst to Apollonia, so would her previous bout of amnesia. The head injury had jumbled up the neurons in her brain, rewiring it just enough. In time, her memories were going to start coming back.

The teen was surprisingly calm, but it was only due to how slow her thoughts were moving. Glancing around, she saw a staircase that led downward. Staircase was, perhaps, the wrong choice of words. Instead, it was a series of far placed apart ledges leading downward. But it was the only way down, and so Apollonia leapt for the first one, and so on and so forth until her form had reached the bottom, at which time she collapsed into a shaking heap. Memories started to flood back, but she hardly noticed them. She tried to stand and whimpered in pain. Still, she stumbled forward slowly.

Apollonia | Pupless | Loveless | Cold Summers | Teen


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