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for Waiki

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Had anybody said it would be easy? No, she would grow to imagine not. For indeed, if Cersei had her way, things would be much more difficult than anticipated. She loved her mother, oh yes! - a natural instinct that would grow to be much more! - but she also had to make sure her mother was strong. If she were going to enter the world, she was going to not only enter it on her own terms but she was going to make sure she came in with only the strongest surrounding her. As far as she was concerned, her siblings were just lucky they had managed to avoid a kick to the face or her cells devouring theirs before they could even look the part.

The womb had been her kingdom and if they wanted her out, they'd damn well have to drag her out kicking and screaming - exactly what her poor, though beloved, mother had to do.

It wasn't easy to get her out, no, but Cersei did not come without a gift - an offering, so to say, to repay her mother for her gift. The afterbirth, of course, though less than pretty was her reimbursement for life. Not only that, but she came out large, loud and kicking all the same. A child born to be great if she did not say so herself. The blood of two brilliant wolves ran rampant through her veins even if the outside world simply refused to believe such things; she was red as blood, dipped in her father's ivory and her mother's darkness. They would all boast - the other mothers and fathers, that was - of their mediocre children whereas she would sit atop her pedestal and they could admire - for a price, of course. Nothing in life was free; just as her mother's desire for them had been paid in blood and pain.

Perhaps that was a bit of her father's arrogant pride coming in - after all, she was as much he as she was her mother. As much they, her siblings, as they were her. Oh, how lucky they were!

She'd screamed for what seemed like so long, unhappy with her arrangement - she did not appreciate being alone, cold and not quite able to get her fill. Slowly, though, she felt the area around her fill with her siblings - warmth, kicking limbs, their familiar presence. They made for good stepping stools, too, for when she desired the teats further above them. If she could have, she would have been laughing at such a thought but for now, she was completely content gorging herself and living the life of a true princess.
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