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Angel has been rather sick lately. It kinda really sucks, this whole cold thing that’s settled over her. It’s the kind of cold that numbs the senses—smell most prominently, then taste because of that. Hearing is another one, all the sinuses starting to clog and make all the feelings so sluggish. A slight cough settled in the pretty paint’s lungs as well. Damned cold. She’d feel better in a little while, and some sleep would help. Too much sleep, she had gotten today. Far too much sleep. The creature had slept clear through the day and was left to wander the night all alone. Well, this sucked.

Being alone sucked most of all, but Angel would deal with it. The mare was gentle as she moved across the foggy ground, stepping high as she did. It was the way she tried to clear her head and get tired again—go for a walk. That made all the sense in the world. Let’s go for a walk. Right, walking and walking and walking would make her feel better. Fog wasn’t good. Fog was what she was trying to get out of, and here it was all over again. Yes, Angel disliked fog as a general rule. She’d much rather see the world. Having one’s sight impaired isn’t a very good way to go.

She almost bumps into the little ghost in the fog. It’s a startled look on the face of the mare with the sniffles that comes with a strange melting in her heart. The poor thing… she looks frightened. Angel’s features soften more than they already had, a soft whicker in her throat. “Are you lost, darling?” Her dark eyes are soft on the baby girl’s face, tone warm and gentle. Angel is a pretty display of color and light, fancy steps, but she really just does want to offer the help she can. The angel that fell from heaven.

the air was clean
the sun never went down

  • Pyre I -
    Pyre II -

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