At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


There are no life, the monsters win

There is No Honor in Tricks


The femme paced angrily around the den she had found for her and her sister. It was just the two of them. It had started off with six siblings, one big happy family. But of course all of that had gone wrong and all she had left now was Nymeria. Lady was older than her sister, she needed to take care of the brat and there was nothing she could do to change that. Nymeria was still too young to be out fending for herself and deep down Lady did love her sister. Her younger sibling could just be so…immature and childish. She always had wanted to play fight and wrestle with her older brothers instead of acting like the high born princess she was born to be. Lady and her family had been a royal family where they had come from, not here though, not in this new world. Of course Lady was still better than all the other curs that were in this forest. The femme knew she would have to go to packs and find the royalty that her and her sister belonged with and try to see if they would accept them into their lands. For now all they had was a mangy stinking den.

The small framed wolf was waiting around the den, pacing heavily, wondering where Nymeria had wandered off to this time. She could never keep track of her sister, she was always running off, playing in the mud and with the boys. Lady, on the other hand, never let her coat get dirty, always making sure that her grey pelt was sleek and shining, making herself look as beautiful and perfect as she could. After a few more moments she knew she would have to go out and find the brat. She sighed in frustration. Lady could usually keep a cool, calm, and collected manner about her, just like a regal should, but that was not the case today. The femme stalked off, her fur bristling with anger with the thoughts of having to search out her annoying sister.

Lady was, as her name suggests, a true lady, she was not a tracker or a hunter, there were others that were supposed to do those meager tasks for her, she was above that. Because Lady had no experience tracking she just headed off into a random direction, hoping that she would run into Nymeria’s no doubt dirty and shaggy coat along the way. The longer that Lady had to walk the angrier she got. She growled to herself, getting more and more angry with Nymeria for wasting her day having to be out searching for her. She could just leave her and let Nymeria find her own way in the forest, not looking after her, but she knew she could never do that.

As Lady’s legs started to get sore and her throat was dry from all the walking she had done the scent of cool fresh water reached her nares. She knew she must be close to a lake or stream and she headed in that direction, hoping to get there soon. It was not long before she reached a large beautiful lake and she headed right over to the water’s edge, bringing her head down to lap at the cool refreshing water. After Lady took her time to drink and quench her throat she stood up and looked around, wondering if there were any other wolves at the lake. She was not the most social wolf but maybe someone had seen Nymeria. Lady spotted a cream colored femme, parts of her bodice darker than the others, her pelt a unique coloring.

Lady trotted over, fur still slightly bristled in anger, but not at the femme she was approaching. She watched as the stranger started walking into the water, and then walked back out, her legs dripping with moisture from the lake. Lady addressed the stranger after she was a few paces away, head and plume held high to show off the high status she should have. “Hello. My name is Lady and I am looking for my sister. You haven’t seen a young gray and white teen have you? She’s quite loud and obnoxious, hard to miss.” Lady kept her manners, just like she was taught by her mother, but exchanged few pleasantries with the stranger. Besides who was this random wolf to her? Lady had never associated with lower ranking wolves in her pack, she always had stuck with her family, with the royalty, right where she belonged.


**Lady**No Mate**No Pups**No Pack**Older Teen**Sister of Nymeria, Grey Wind, Summer, Rickon, and Ghost**Violet


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