Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


What do you want from me...?

"Leave her alone!" Stream lept at the brute with amazing speed, clamping down on the male's neck, she bite hard. "I'll leave you alone! Just let me go!" The grey brute howled in pain. Stream had a little sympathy. Snarling, she bared her teeth, hackles raised.. "Go." She growled. The grey male raced away, his neck oozing blood. Stream looked at the dark grey ess limping away. "Hey wait! are you ok?" She raced over and sniffed the leg."I can get you some moss." Stream raced away and grabbed some moss. Finding a puddle, she dipped the moss in and then raced back over. Pressing it to the wound, she hoped she was doing the right thing.


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