A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


How lonely is the night without the howl of the wolf?

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A single word, rough and yet melodic to her ear, was released from his maw at her sobbing and whimpering, and though he rarely said much at all, that single word meant more to her than others would ever understand. Despite her mood swings and lack of love for all those that worked so hard to keep her alive, he didn’t and hadn’t seen it as a problem or wrong doing and saw no reason for her to apologise. At first she fought against his motions, wanting to remain buried in the abyss of fur that shrouded her face forever, but as he managed to pull her cranium away from the thickened cloak that provided so much warmth and protection, a meek smile tugged at the corners of her kissers, silently thanking him for not being judgmental. Her eyes wavered on his stargazers until the sudden inhale of air and change in his demeanour had the smile falling from her face with a heavy and noticeable drop. The mix of words and whimpers that escaped his rusty vocal tract forced her pinna against her crown as she was once again engulfed by his embrace, not wanting to hear another word. His fears were so vulnerably placed in the open and it pained her to even imagine life without him. Subtly the ess nuzzled her forehead into him before pulling away and realising that the handsome smile she loved undoubtedly was placed once again on his greyscale palette.

Her muzzle was sent towards him unconsciously and soon her tongue was released, tugging upwards against his top lip in a way that would slightly uncover his canines. The kiss was emotional and long lasting before she pulled away and allowed the words that had been forming in her larynx to escape. ”Henadin, you are my life. I would never, could never, leave you. You are my love and I’d be damned before anyone or anything could take me from you. I need you. I love you.” Her voice was no more than a whisper, meant for his ears only. She would do anything for him, even if it meant living in silence for the rest of her days. Their courtship had been fast and yet it was plentiful. From the very first meeting she had known he was the one and there would be no other in the world that would make her heart race like he did.

More whispers, gruff and baritone, fluttered towards her pinna on a breath this time bringing forth a more relaxed topic. The female had known that the topic would soon be brought up in conversation and though she had dreaded it, she couldn’t help but move her cranium in a fluid up and down movement signalling her agreement with his suggestions. Terrel’s name was soon echoing round the cave and the female instinctively dropped her gaze to the floor, her head coming to rest on the male’s chest for a few seconds. In all honesty she did not know what was happening with her son and despite her hopes and wishes that he would finally return to his home, the vixen couldn’t promise anything. Slowly the timber ess moved her head upwards so that her eyes could meet Henadin’s. ”I have been thinking about talking to the pups for days now, I... I just haven’t known where to start. I know they will have many questions and I have to be strong for them now, but I am just so unsure of everything myself. Of course I will talk to them, as soon as we return to Saw Tooth.” A forced smile broke her sentence. ”To be honest I am not sure at all what is happening with Terrel. I wish that he would return; you are right I do miss him...terribly. Maybe he could help I just haven’t seen or heard from him since our return and I don’t know how much he knows. I have heard that he has been having regular meet ups with Mae, maybe I could speak with her and find out.” Not wanting to erupt any more emotions on her mate, knowing that he favoured silence above words, the timber hued ess lowered her head once again so that it rested lightly on her paws.

There was no way she could refute the rush she felt when the atmosphere in the make shift den changed, her mate no longer denying his unmistakable. Teeth nipped gently at the back of her neck and though her hackles rose slightly, she remained still as his tongue slithered upwards towards her pinnae that twitched and flickered as not only his tongue but his breath dampened the surrounding hair. A grumble rose in the silver foxes throat as he portrayed his instinctual and undeniable feelings and ever so slightly the maiden pushed against him. His lyrics, earnest and yet unassailable did not go unnoticed and a smile fell upon her kissers as her own body was overridden by natural desires. A brief glance was exchanged before the female pushed against him once again, hopping to push him onto all fours as her own limbs scrambled against the earth. No more words were needed. If she managed to move him onto all four pillars, the maid would begin a circle of seduction, wafting her tail under his chin as she brushed against his body. Tenderly she nipped at his frame allowing her tongue to follow her teeth as she went. If not, she would simply lie still and let the male do whatever he pleased. A rising purr moved up her throat portraying her pleasure at the situation. ”I love you.”

Channing | Adult Female | SawTooth- Zeta| Heart belongs to Henadin | Mother of Terrel, Macaria, Roheryn, Blayre & Altair | xhollowremains

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