AbhorsenThe Wielder
DyrimThe Speaker
BelgaerThe Thinker
SaranethThe Binder
AstaraelThe Weeper
ClayrThe Seer
KibethThe Walker
ScionIn Waiting
MosraelThe Waker
CharterThe Power
RannaThe Sleeper
Viserion, Myrcella
Rhaegal, Tychon, Alagai, Paxton, Visenya
Drogon, Icarus

Greywind, Rhaenys, Arthfael
MagesThieves & Spys
Bastille, Samus
RemembrancersCaretakers & Historians
Dandelion, Semele

EldersHonored Retirees
Daenerys, Sleekwing, Tyrion
KinfolkThe Pack
Mêlée, Ashitaka
Emer, Bran, Jabari, Vaella, Cadeyrn, Berwyn, Nerys, Jubilee, Ashur, Reine, Icarus, Kricket, Navarre, Leilani, Jakuta
AmateursIn Training


The TombsOur Fallen Family
MoonGlow, Alcide, Sorcha, Fjallraven,
Pan, Grayson, Ravenna, Niviaq

News 08.08.2021
Change was long overdue in Spirane. Now that I have learned who is still an active presence within the pack, the ranks have been updated. As I once took time away from the pack, so too now shall Kalseru. Know that she is still second in command of the pack, as is reflected in her rank. Once you are familiar with the new ranking system, if you would like to change positions or move up in the ranks you need only ask. Let this be a time of new life in Spirane, and a promise of great things to come!

When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.
- - Nymeria

❥ Pregnant | ^ Pending Promotion | ✘ Stolen | Away

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=I'm on Top of World=

Part of Me

I waited by my father, the smell of the male before me still lingering in my nose. He smelled strange but I did not comment on his appearance or anything else for that matter. He looked like a giant wolf to me and I did not understand why my father teased him so. Naturally I knew he must deserved it in some way I look up at my father with my emerald and violet rimmed eyes turning them then to this Zildjian as my father introduced me to him. My brother-in-law yes I think I may have heard him mentioned once or twice it was clear my father didn’t care for him in the slightest yet. Naturally I believe him my eyes widen in amazement. Earthquakes are caused by their falling!?

”Isn’t that scary!? That is a lot of responsibility to make sure you do not fall over!” My voice is worried for him, though excited. It was so strange to meet someone like that! I was young so naturally naïve to the truth of the matter, I soaked in everything my father taught me and told me over time of my short life. He got one thing wrong that I am aware of though and that is the fact that Saintly was gone forever. I didn’t tell him he was wrong of course, but even know Saintly was with me and I could tell he was curious about all of this too. My almost pure black form stayed at my father’s side watching and listening rather than speaking. I didn’t know what to say and while I could tell this wolf was apparently deserving of my father’s dislike he did not say anything in return to make me feel the same. I was more intrigued with him, I didn’t know the history of why my father disliked him so though I did want to know. I knew better though to speak of such things here.

I tilt my head slightly as my father asks how many more grandchildren he has when my emerald eyes look up only to spot the white form of a wolfess with strange swirling markings coming my way. I know what most of my half siblings think of me, I know Azrael hates me for what I am and worth. He does not look at me with love but disgust and as her eyes lands on me I can feel that she, though maybe not to the degree of my half brother, does not approve of me either. I avert my eyes from her ears falling back and pressing my form against my father’s leg unsure of what I have done to deserve their disapproval.

I am not pure as they are, I know this yet they continuously scorn me for it and though my father tells me otherwise I am not ‘pure’ angel. Perhaps I am more pure than some out there my cousins nieces and nephews. I know I am destined to be great but it was not because of my blood it was because I would make it so I would show them I am great and better than them by my choices. I wanted to prove them wrong and be greater even than father and it was only spurred on by thoughts of my half siblings that were supposedly better than me because of their mother. But I wouldn’t take it if they chose to openly scorn me. I have been long past tired of my half siblings disliking me for no reason.

Of course I know what she is saying in the ancient tongue, she speaks of my father teasing the giant wolf that is her mate and a wolf called Lucian. I do not understand what this means and why this Lucian is important. I honestly don’t care that was before my time for a reason and so I do not find that it is something I need to know or understand. My half sister does not even acknowledge I am there, well fine that tells me all I need to know about her. I feel my heart sink, clearly Isola is the only one of any worth of his ‘pure’ children and that is probably why she sits the throne and none of the others. He said that Isola was probably pretty great and I would have a hard time competing with her. Well that was fine, at least she pretended to like me and treated me as if I existed without glaring in my direction.

If I wasn’t enough that I was going to be scorned by yet another one of my half siblings I watch as a much larger girl than I came forward rushing up to the swirled marked fem that was my eldest sister and speaking hurriedly in Latin. The girl ignores me and my father I can feel Saintly trying to comfort me but his embrace today is not enough. Once she is done lavishing her mother she turns to look at me and my father eyes narrowed glaring at me. I feel my hackles raise but little tears coming to the corners of my eyes in anger and sadness. Why did they hate us so? What did I do to her? I never even met this girl. She is ‘marked’ better than I, almost pure white with a red marking which made her better than me I am sure.

She said she was looking for heaven, and I knew she wouldn’t find it. Saintly was in heaven, saintly was a true angel now. It’s not something you find and I thought she was a fool for just looking for it. ”Jump off the mountain then you will find it.” I found myself thinking bitterly but Saintly quickly reprimanded me for the thought. It was the truth though. You had to die to find the real heaven. I didn’t look at them, I didn’t look at any of them I sat numbly beside father wondering why I even bother trying with my family anymore.

I hear the derision in her voice and I look at her and feel a puppy growl bubbling in my throat. Go on keep egging me on, keep hating me for no reason. I do not know that my father had caused this or if he even did. I dare my sister or her spawn to say one thing about how I am acting, they are hating me, they ignore me and this girl speaks ill to my father. If my ‘sister’ allows her child to speak that way to her father too clearly she is no daughter of my father. He treated her like a princess held her high as close to the heavens as he could and now she allows her child to speak to him in such tones? I don’t think so.

template credit goes to tillie at caution and sds

Is Already in Heaven


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**Any position may be challenged for at any time. Please privately contact Nymeria and she will decide the type and style of challenge appropriate to the rank.

Abhorsen - The Wielder: Alpha female and Queen of Spirane. Her word is final in all matters. Vows to protect and lead those who call the mountain home.

Her Council
Belgaer - The Thinker: Second in Command, this wolf is the Abhorsen's most trusted compatriot and confidant. In the Abhorsen's absence, they are able to speak with her authority.
Saraneth - The Binder: Chosen mate of the Abhorsen. They can settle pack disputes, accept members, assign tasks, and leads the pack during hunts, in times of war, or in cases where the Abhorsen is not present.
Scion - The Successor: The Abhorsen's heir, training to one day fill her paw prints. This wolf must become adept in multiple trades. This wolf is expected to become proficient in healing, fighting, hunting, diplomacy, and thievery. They are expected to lend assistance to any of the other ranks if ever needed.

The Bells
Dyrim - The Speaker: Lead diplomat and is often times sent out to maintain good relations with allied packs. Charged with educating the Ambassadors in diplomatic ways.
Astarael - The Weeper: The commander and lead warrior of the pack. Charged with teaching the Berserkers the art of battle.
Clayr - The Seer: Charged with the pack's health, and in teaching the Shiners and those who wish to pursue the art of healing.
Kibeth - The Walker: The leader of the Guard. They are the foremost line of defense, charged with securing the borders and bringing pertinent information from within and without the pack to the appropriate wolf. They also lead the Outriders.
Ranna - The Sleeper: Assists the queen in guarding from theft as well as advising her of news and gossip from the whole of Moladion. Charged with teaching the Mages about theft, secret keeping, and overall sneakiness. Allowed to make and block steals.
Mosrael - The Waker: Caretaker and storyteller of the pack, also the head pupsitter. Often times this wolf will look after the pack's youth and educate them of Spirane and Moladion's history. Leads the Remembrancers in pup watching.
Charter - The Power: The master hunter of the pack. Leads and organizes all hunts and teaches the Falconers the art of the hunt.

The Classes
Berserkers: Warriors and hunters of the pack.
Falconers: The pack hunters
Mages: Thieves and secret keepers of the pack. Allowed to make and block steals.
Ambassadors: Diplomats of the pack.
Shiners: Healers of the pack.
Outriders: The pack scouts who bring all news of happenings across Moladion back.
Remembrancers: Wolves of a kind nature who look after the younger wolves of the pack. These wolves may wish to learn more about healing, but this is not a requirement.
Bairns: The young pups of the pack
Amateurs: Youth of the pack still finding their place

Kinfolk: The general populance of the pack
Elders: Respected retirees who still offer wisdom and insight
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