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The Badass is Back... A lil less bad in the ass as in the back. He's so old XD

**This Slot was Re-Gifted to me Via Sol. ^_^**

12 years
a deep dark amethyst that glows like blacklights in the night

Immense physique with chiseled muscle tone and tall powerful shanks. Robust deep-set chest and broad shoulders. Torso tapers into more streamlined haunches. large head and massive pit-bullish jaws with extra long canines. Fur along neck becomes much thicker and always seems to stand on end like a wild, disheveled mohawk. Sterling silver base coat with black and white brindling embellished over the top.

45", 195lbs.

Lucian's only thought was that he must protect Zeivah at all costs. He'd lost Fatality. He'd lost Atreyu. He could not fail his Imprint. He would scrape together what Honor he had left and do all he could to spare her the fate of the flames,

The smoke had forced them to abandon her den, her panicked cubs had scattered and even in her delirium Zeivah had tried to chase after them. The forests were collapsing around them, and Lucian rushed to push Zeivah out from beneath the crumbling timbers. The wood had splintered across he back and knocked him unconcious.

He doesn't know how long he was out, but when he came to, it was to see Zeivah's white figure fleeing from the inferno. At least she had escaped. He had struggled for hours to free himself from the logs that had felled him, and by some miracle the flames had gone around him rather then straight through. It took him days to dig himself out from under the logs, and when he had, his spine was so badly jarred he walked with an incredibly pronounced limp for many months. One fore leg was so badly injured that the mangled paw had been splayed in two, making it almost like two paws on one foot, two toes on either side. It healed that way, and the nerves in the foot are nearly dead, he can hardly feel anything other then the weight of his body when he steps down on it. Otherwise the limb is numb and makes his gait somewhat jagged.

His ear tips have also been burned off, looking like they've been sheered down about half way with a rusty pair of old scissors.

No Longer Imprinted... perhap;s Unable to Imprint if OK'd by staff?


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