AbhorsenThe Wielder
DyrimThe Speaker
BelgaerThe Thinker
SaranethThe Binder
AstaraelThe Weeper
ClayrThe Seer
KibethThe Walker
ScionIn Waiting
MosraelThe Waker
CharterThe Power
RannaThe Sleeper
Viserion, Myrcella
Rhaegal, Tychon, Alagai, Paxton, Visenya
Drogon, Icarus

Greywind, Rhaenys, Arthfael
MagesThieves & Spys
Bastille, Samus
RemembrancersCaretakers & Historians
Dandelion, Semele

EldersHonored Retirees
Daenerys, Sleekwing, Tyrion
KinfolkThe Pack
Mêlée, Ashitaka
Emer, Bran, Jabari, Vaella, Cadeyrn, Berwyn, Nerys, Jubilee, Ashur, Reine, Icarus, Kricket, Navarre, Leilani, Jakuta
AmateursIn Training


The TombsOur Fallen Family
MoonGlow, Alcide, Sorcha, Fjallraven,
Pan, Grayson, Ravenna, Niviaq

News 08.08.2021
Change was long overdue in Spirane. Now that I have learned who is still an active presence within the pack, the ranks have been updated. As I once took time away from the pack, so too now shall Kalseru. Know that she is still second in command of the pack, as is reflected in her rank. Once you are familiar with the new ranking system, if you would like to change positions or move up in the ranks you need only ask. Let this be a time of new life in Spirane, and a promise of great things to come!

When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.
- - Nymeria

❥ Pregnant | ^ Pending Promotion | ✘ Stolen | Away

Return to Lunar Children
time stands still

For a while Natu waits, resting her head atop her legs. It is a term she is familiar with, waiting. It felt as only a fraction of her life has been spent living while the rest has been spent waiting. Waiting for a sense of purpose or waiting for old wounds to heal. Life is not kind or gentle and rarely is it on time with one's most absolute plans. She has had her fair share of fights in life, both physical and mental, but it has only made Natu stronger. She does not seek fame and definitely not infamy, but she has always had the nurturing side to care for those in need. Certainly she is not meek; however, she does not aim to cause strife unless it is needed.

From across the way she spots Moonglow and watches the female pad towards her. The closer she gets the more Natu notices the wounds that litter the other's face. They are vicious signs of either triumph or fail but she assumes since this female has come to greet her that Moonglow is the victor. And also the Alpha. Natu stands, dipping her muzzle and watching the gray and white Alpha for any signs of disdain. Instead she is met with a fluffed tail and gentle voice.

At eleven Natu feels much older than the youthful generation that populate the land and yet it is easy to tell that this female outranks her in age as well for she carries her wisdom openly. It has been long since Natu has felt the pain of teeth and claws ripping into her flesh. The only wounds she has accumulated over the last few years has been from the wilderness - mild inconveniences that hide deep within her thick fur.

Pricking her ears as Moonglow talks, Natu sits back down, relieved that she is not to be declared an outsider and harassed. She smiles sagely in response to Moonglow, her own voice deepened with age but sweet as chimes. "Greetings to you Moonglow. I am Natu. I have come in hopes that you might like another to join your pack. I have for so long been a traveler but I miss the comforts of friends and a pack." Natu twists her head slightly to show her curiosity and hope but she falls silent to wait to command of the Alpha.

time has no meaning when nothing has changed
