A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


Day and Night

Day and Night


Deciding to get away from Willow and the pups I came back here. The river where interesting characters popped up occasionally. Love struck couples kept prancing around, in truth it made my gut turn. Annoying. Annoying young brats, that's what they where. It made a laugh that got caught in my throat turn into a huff of annoyance. My ashed form lumbered to the waters edge. Lapping up the cool crystalline liquid.

The way I felt it travel down my throat made me smile. It felt pleasant, even as it hit my torn apart insides. My single aud pivoting as I heard familiar foot steps and the slithering of complaint. A laugh came out as I turned my head to the complainers direction. Out of a bit of fun I perched myself up on a rock. When the masked vixen walked past, my golden gazer followed. Still an interesting vixen. With amusement I opened my maw, my lyrics flowing out.

"Well isn't this a sight. The masked snake comes to strike once more. May I have the pleasure of why you're mouth is complaining once more dear Rau."

A smirk had developed on my facade. Why not play around with her for a while? I do need the entertainment after all.

Hagen/Brute/Adult/Tied to Willow/Pups: Symphony, Ocapelo, Seth, and Solar/Saw Tooth/Destinee


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