Re(2): Wolf siting

To pass along some info I learned...I am in gardner mass. last year mid sept I saw in my yard a wolf/coyote hybrid - belive it or not fairly common. tall like a wolf,long snout,large ears. but lacking the the body mass of a full breed wolf,but retaining the overall body size. I was cooking meat on my grill about 10 or so at night. He tripped over one of my sons toys coming into my yard, which made me come out to investigate.we saw each other, we stared at each other and he backed into the trees. as a test I went back in...he came right out and headed for the grill. I came out seeing this. this time he stood his ground somewhat going behind a tree watching me.Brazen creature he was,obviously hungry. But he gave up and limped off cutting across the yard back to the woods.
I have only seen one like him since,but his smaller cousins run all over the area on a regular basis - lots of coyotes around here. I'm on the north side of town, more woods than city. I've seen a few tracks walking the rail trail that could have well been a large cat, but too old and melted to be sure.There is enough to eat that would support larger cats out there,a few maybe. Nature abhors a vacuum, and hopefully ( if we do not ruin it ) the wilder beings that inhabit the woods can thrive and grow.

John in Gardner


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