During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


a small touch of happiness [ Vladya, Serris & open ]

It was plain obvious when the ivory-clad demon came back into the world of the living. His first words were jumbled to her listeners... a foreign language which she could not decipher the meaning behind. However, with moments in between his next batch of lyrics, the she-varg was able to calm her emotions if only by a little, and soothe her aching cranial. Her shoulders dropped and her eyes fluttered shut, blinking away the tears that stained the rims of her portals. Kobato. We need to go. She nodded carefully, then turned herself over and attempted to stand upon quaking stilts. The shock that she had held off while the whole ordeal was playing itself out suddenly came crashing into her, nearly sweeping her, literally, off her feet. Strangely enough, Kobato did not shy away from the beast in front of her as many might have. Instead she moved towards him and, if he allowed her to, rested her jaw upon his shoulder, her breathing still rushed and off tempo. Much like the beating wings of a frightened dove. She blinked hard and flattened her painted eaves so that she could pick up on his own breathing. Maybe she would be able to sync her own with his... "Home." Though she was not sobbing as she had been before, the tears were still persistant enough to crawl down her flesh and seep into the fur around her facial features. They burned. Her voice wasn't much better-- it cracked right in the middle of her word, and thoughts of Serris flashed through her head. Funny how she wanted to return to the very place that could be the second best place of death for her wintery hellboy. She immediately regretted what she spoke, and the way it sounded in her mouth and she sat down, still very close to the brujo that had, not moments before, been so very close to taking her life. What had sparked it? Kobato ravaged her brain for the details of what had happened just before Vladya went psycho, but her thoughts were so jumbled at the moment that she just couldn't pick it up. "I want to go home."

Whatever happened after that went by in a blur. Kobato wasn't even sure if she slept or not, but as she made no motion to want to leave just yet, the two stayed in Spring Grounds under the hospitality of the members for one last night. For the time that they had spent there, Kobato had slept away from Vladya, aware that the difference in gender might propose a problem of awkwardness, or that her feelings would increase noticeably if she had been able to inhale his cologne throughout the night. But this time, she stayed very close to him, the opposite of what one that had almost been killed by the creature would have. She said nothing, though she woke herself up in the middle of the night shaking... her dreams haunted her until the sun rose and the light filtered in across the male's pelt. But they were not about Vladya, at least not to begin with. The light as it left Ioryogi's portals was something that made her whine in loss. As if her heart was dying. But when she blinked in that dream, the dark pelt of her first love suddenly shifted to the velvet snow cloak of Vladya. It was too vivid. In the morning was when they left. The young woman's fight against the urge to burst into tears the very next day was a harsh one. Every so often her breathing would become loud and a little more forced-- attempts to calm herself down. She would not dare to cry in front of Vladya. She had never cried before Ioryogi was cast into the dark of night, his blood seeping into the ground underneath him. But it would seem that her heart had been shattered at that time, and now it was easy for tears to erupt into existence. She walked close to him though, a little in front in order to lead the way so that Vladya did not have to face the challenge of finding Munashii Gekko all on his own. She did not move away from him although it was obvious that she was still searching for what she had done to make him react like that. She was worried. So very worried. And she couldn't shake the fact that he had come so close to her with his fangs bared, flashing in front of her throat. It frightened her, and yet when she thought about her reaction to it, it angered her. Why was she still afraid now when during that time she had been able to rise up against it and pull her own courage into view? The question, though simple, was suddenly the most difficult inquiry she herself had ever come across. As the duet neared Munashii, Kobato's nerves began to show even more so, this time not necessarily focused entirely on the gargoyle accompanying her. The sea-salt gaze of Kobato's adopted father, Serris, suddenly frightened her more than anything, even the dead look in Vladya's pools when he had slammed into her. Kobato had run away from the careful watch of her faithful knight, Aindreas, in order to search for Ioryogi. In order to fufill her dream of having her small wish granted. There had been others she had "used" for her own gain, and guilt stabbed her now in the gut more deeply than any wound would ever pierce her soft flesh. She needed to apologize to Kalgalath for leaving wthout notice, and she needed to attone for her sin of pushing punishment upon her knight.

But when the two reached Munashii's borders, Aindreas's scent was stale. The twin knights, Set and Rise... she couldn't pick up their scents either. Was everyone... gone? The thought set a stone sinking in her heart, weighing her down. When the territory line was the only obstacle in the pairs way, Kobato stopped and looked to the side, raising her head to Vladya's level (or at least close enough that it would be acknowledged) and made eye contact with him. "...I'm not sure how this is going to play out-- I kind of ran away the last time I was here. Serris hasn't heard from me since." she smiled half-heartedly, hoping that the redness surrounding the whites of her lookers had toned down enough so that the large brujo who walked these lands would not pick up on it. She also prayed that Vladya did not feel guilty for what had happened before. If anyone was guilty for the actions he had taken, it was Kobato herself, though she was still searching herself for what had made him a harbinger of death. "Vladya I..." Her toffee colored dreamcatchers widened subtly. Love. I love you! Before he had turned into the grim reaper, she had confessed her love to him. Was love... unnacceptable? The multi-hued girl continued staring at the warboy beside her, her mouth opened in mid-speech, her eyes suddenly dull with a certain realization. A guess, though a good one nonetheless. "..I.." She quickly turned her head, biting her lip because of only one thing. She was embarrassed. All girls usually are when they are bravely confessing that their heart beats a little faster when they are around them and no one else has the exact same ability to work magic on them. Kobato turned her head even more, looking completely away as she spoke, although she half-yelled it because...well it's Kobato. "I don't want you to leave my side." There.

Though she did not dare share it with him, for she did not know how thin the line was between him and the demon she had crossed paths with the day before, Kobato was sure that if Vladya left her, it truly would be the end of her. Although it's already been made obvious multiple times, it is more than true to say that the demon the young girl nursed back to health and stole away from Abendrot has but one lifeline that keeps her going now. Her wish has changed to something other than what it used to be. And that is to keep Vladya beside her, no matter what she might have to give up in order to ensure that it stays the way she wants it to. And now that she was back at the borders of Munashii Gekko, she didn't want to think about what it was that she might just have to lose. If Serris did not approve of her choice in... well, men... then Kobato would not go along with the man who had taken her in and had finally relented to allow her to call herself 'princess.' It was surprising, actually, to have come to a day where that word actually was the truth. Kobato turned her cranial back in front of her, staring off into the territory. She stayed put, however, and did not step over the line. She had been gone for half a year... or had it been longer? She was surprised. She was nearing her third birthday and she hadn't even realized that she had already grown into her adult form. She was still short as hell but what did she expect, being a runt?

The she-varg quietly turned her head to her soldier's side and lightly touched the flesh encompassing his muzzle there. Reassurance... although for which party, him or her, she knew not. Perhaps he was just as nervous as she was. The thought was quickly chased from her mind. Vladya had been in the company of Kershov. The Kershov. Serris was not as cruel as that man, nor as dangerous. But... Kobato still wondered just what might happen when, or even if, he came around to them. Removing her mug from it's soft touch to his own, she took the liberty of crying out for that father of hers. To let him know sooner that she was here. He probably already knew. A shiver of anticipation crawled it's slimy way down the fae's spine, lifting the fur with a current of electricity as it traveled. When her song ended, she did not turn back to Vladya to see his expression. Instead, she stayed stock still, unmoving and definitely not blinking. Her auds were pricked all the way forward, alert to every sound that might come towards the two. The only thing that showed that she was actually still breathing was the gentle rise and fall of her shoulders, as subtle as it was.

ooc:my god. im so sorry. it sucks. i haven't written Ko in such a long time e-e she grew up a little bit i think. IT WENT ALL OVER THE PLACE AT THE END BECAUSE I DIDN'T FEEL LIKE TYING IT UP.


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