At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Midnight's Magic (BEAR)

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How the weather betrayed the world it called home. It was nearing spring, the small jets of wind spilling through the trees and leaking out into the forest. The sky was a bright blue, an occasional cloud encompassing a small width of the area. However, out in the open air it was bitterly cold, gusts of wind shuddering through the bones of mammals and other animals and sent plummeting out into the world to betray its next victim. It loathed control, wanting it over and over and over again. It did not see fit the ones it would effect, draining away consciousness and folding over a present to a small animal. A willow of a tree creaked with a low anticipation. A growl of a passing roll in the earth awakening life on this miserable planet. How was it possible that creatures could live in a place inevitably destined for disaster?

Medium sized paws traced the earthen ground, dirt caked into the small of her pads and the ending tip of her tail. It was dark, almost wet even, but enough to chill her ivories in her feet. The cold air latched onto her flank, leading to warmth outside with a wet tongue, pulling out the sanity with it. A charge through the air brushes it away, pads of lithe black moving elegantly through the forest green. The female stopped, peaking her head from around a tree to show herself, jaws opened slightly in a small pant exposed to the breath of the wind. Her amber orbs gleamed with a rare hunger, a discovery lacking the effects of her heart. The vixen’s kissers closed, an audette tilting in a small gasp of a draft falling in from the top of the canopy. A small dip of her head and a turn of her gaze, her feet launched herself back into the forest, the trees moving around her at perhaps almost the same speed. She was lithe, a small shadow escaping a world of darkness. How she had begun to like it. The girl’s jet black pelt blended within the mask of the trees, and she was somewhat thankful.

The baroness seemed out of place, her home few and far between as she had left to explore the outside world. Quiet was inevitable, the disturbing taste of it lacking a sense of security. Everything seemed out in the open when not a many number of people were listening to their own thoughts. So the girl whisked herself away for a short while, trying to regroup herself with a new sense of wolves so maybe she could create a relationship that would end in a friendship. The fae had never been very good at that side of life; she really only had one now, but couldn’t find herself to really call her a friend who’s shoulder she could cry on, not that she wanted to. Anyway, her decisions made her wander out to the small secluded area around Staircase Falls, the scent of the crisp damp air strengthening her senses as she went. The trees started to stretch few and far between and the gentle roar not sounding in the least bit formidable.

The demoness walked eagerly towards the fluid, dipping her head and lacing the fabric of her tongue out into the cold depths of the blue and snaking it back up to suit her body well. She had not been out of her pack lands for awhile, a quick restart needed before she sent herself back in. But how could she complain? Aurora was the best thing that ever happened in her life. As the day drifted on, the girl found herself snacking on a fish, laying by the side of a pool and waiting for something to come smacking out through the branches of the forest.

OOC- Sorry for the horribly long wait. My apologies.

| Magic | Tied to Unmoglitch | No Pups | Gamma of Aurora Borealis | Thunderfoot |


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