At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


i知 living uʍop ǝpısdn Open

 photo RedSpoiler_zps32aece25.jpg

Red Spoiler | Teen | Female | Packless | Mateless

i guess i like

The tall, dark wolf trotted quietly through the dark forest. It was her favorite time of day- night. Her surroundings were laid in millions of shadows, creating a black veil. This thickening darkness was not pure, every few steps the wolfess took the piercing brightness of the moon would illuminate through the foliage. Red's senses were on high alert, she didn't know if any wolves would be around to meet her, and to be honest, she wasn't sure she wanted to meet any. Not yet, she wanted to watch them first.

Sensing nothing but the birds, Red's quiet trot turned into much more of a clumsy run. Dead leaves which were left on the ground from the previous autumn crackled under footstep as the skinny femm tried her best not to trip over anything. Of course, not tripping wasn't one of her better qualities. So as a root jutted out of the ground farther than the rest, she couldn't help but get her paw stuck behind it. Toppling forward, Red crumbled into the soft earth before her.

This is so very helpful, She thought to herself sarcastically. Slowly, the Spoiler rose once again to her feet. Her paw wasn't badly wounded, so she simply stretched it out a little before continuing on her night walk. Her nostrils flared as she cam upon a familiar scent, it was water. Quickening her pace just slightly, so she would not trip again, she came upon the water. Smiling gingerly, Red looked down upon the water before her, and started lapping up the smooth wet liquid.

uʍop ǝpısdn ------


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