Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesSedge Wren Marsh

Spent yesterday (Tuesday) evening until 9 p.m. along Wylie Road mainly at the Sedge Wren Marsh hoping to hear Yellow Rails. None heard but the somewhat lower water level this year seems better for Yellow Rails. Now is peak time. Heard at least two Virginia Rails giving their pig-like calls. Heard and watched an American Bittern pumping, Wison's Snipe winnowing, Sandhill Cranes calling, Swamp Sparrows singing, Spring Peepers, Chorus Frogs, Leopard Frogs, and Beavers plunging and loudly slapping their tails on the water. It was an wetland audio experience. Saw 5 Greater Yellowlegs in the flooded roadside just north of the cabin. Heard the curlew-like song of an Upland Sandpiper near the viewing blind on the way in and saw an American Woodcock fly across the road in the headlights on the way out. Wylie Road has some ruts and two big puddles but is negotiable by slow careful driving. I didn't go north the marsh.

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