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I have a hole in my heart;; Hepzibah

Vainglory lay within his den, not to far from his mother and fathers den, despite his need to be on his own he couldn't just leave his mother without anyone. Father was vacant most of the time anyways so even if he was around, it wasn't like he was really here anyways. His nose poked outside the hole, sniffing every so often to make sure he could keep track of those around him. He scented his father leaving, his head tips to the side and though the old man had his share of den leavings in the middle of the night he was doing it less and less, with Vainglory taking on more of a role as mystic it ment that Paldor could actually retire. He was probably just going to stretch his legs and catch a hare or something. Wraith was a creature he hadn't seen much of lately. Even Istas was slowly going further and further away. His head shuffles back into place and his eyes begin to close.

So far he hadn't been as bad as his father had been, but then again he had his father to teach him how to cope even if he hadn't been the best one to cope with what they had. Paldor hadn't had a father to teach him how to deal with it all. He and Vain had many nights as of late when they would talk with each other. Tell stories of the past, laugh slightly... even though they barely laughed ever. Vain couldn't even remember a time of his childhood when he'd laughed. It seemed so long ago, so very long ago. His eyes fully close and he drifts off peacefully into a sleep without dreams. Thankful for this fact becuse lately they'd been pretty bad. The night before he'd dreamed of the girl Hepzibah, he didn't understand the dream one little bit but he knew that one of these days she'd come to see him. That was all he knew. About what, he wasn't sure just yet. Maybe tonight he'd learn more about this meeting that they would eventually have.

"this is how he speaks"

bastard demon | Male | Three | 39in/120lbs | Incubi | Haedes x Ishtar | Iromar
also known as Rome or Fenrisulfr

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