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Each character must be joined in their own, separate thread.
Once posted, Staff will post to Approve the character. If there is anything that needs to be changed, Staff will let you know!

Bio Sheet
* denotes mandatory field
*Name: make sure it’s not already in use!
*Age: 0 – 25
*Gender: Male / Female

*Eye Color: be specific, and don’t be afraid to get creative!
*Appearance: must include height, weight and a detailed description of both their fur coloration and body type; include defining scars, etc here

Personality: feel free to skip, but this can be a good way to ‘introduce’ them!
History: what brings them to moladion? not mandatory but a fun way to explore your character!

Can imprint? important: you can only change imprintability status once unless ability is lost through ‘natural’ means

OOC Name:
Where can we contact you? Discord, deviantArt, etc.
Have you read, and agree to abide by, the rules?
What is the required ‘word minimum’ of Lunar Children?

New players must supply a sample post.
The sample post doesn’t need to be long but must abide the minimum word count. It’s also a great opportunity to introduce your character to other players and get to know the character yourself!

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Lost in your Eyes Rejoin

and I heard 'em say

nothings ever promised tomorrow today

Character Bio
NAME: Saiinoria
make sure it is not taken

AGE 0 to 25 5
GENDER male/female Female
EYE COLOR be specific, be creative Her eyes are a very interesting feature of hers. The base is a light lime hue yet she has dark forest green lines that frame her pupil giving them a sunburst appearance. Near the outer edge of these dark green lines are faint orange streaks that are more prominent when she is in bright sunlight. Like this

must include: height, weight, and a detailed coloration and build.
She stands at a modest 32 inches tall and weighs in at 136lbs. Her base coat is a pristine white. It is lush with a healthy sheen to it, particularly when she is well fed. Her coat is thick and long, growing thicker around her neck and body area. She is finely muscled yet her legs are not very long. She is perfectly proportioned however all the fur she carries gives her a bulkier appearance which makes her legs seem shorter than what they really are. She can sprint however she will not fare well in a sustained sprint. She favors more cross country.

Her face: Her face is sleek and very feminine. Her ears are dipped in a chocolate brown color, yet a splash of white adorns the backs of them. Within the white splash are several brown irregular sized spots. Masking each eye, in a mask, is the same dark brown color however it fades to a milk chocolate color around her cheeks . There is a tiny splash of this milk chocolate color above her eyes on her “eyebrows.” The milk chocolate color fades as it reaches the top of her ruff. The undersides of her jaws are white. Her nose is dark brown and the top of her snout is white in an upside down heart shape. The point of the heart ends between her eyes and continues in a sliver before ballooning on top of her head and down the back of her neck. The white joins with the other white beneath her head and cascades down her ruff.

Her Torso: The white of her torso is tinted in this color and it extends all the way to her rump. Within that color are patches of both the milk chocolate and the dark chocolate color. Some are big and some are small and others are very tiny smears. Think merle. These patches extend down the back legs all the way down to the hock. From the hock down only pure white fur exists. On the front legs the patches do not past the elbows. From the elbows down there is only pure white fur. The white fur from her ruff, that covers her chest, continues to her belly. Her tail starts off as this color but blends into a white tip. A few spattering of patches adorn her tail. This color edges some of her patches so that some of them stand out more. It also gives it more appeal when the sun catches it.

OOC - Porsha

OOC Information
(for new members)

SAMPLE - can be recycled

Female: 4 Years
No Home: No Love
None to hold her Dear: No cubs for her to Cherish

♔ nickdiazfan

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