The Lost Islands

What if fairytales were all we had? (Soljor)

Traded off as though she were nothing? What was this? A single mare had turned her into nothing just like that? Traded off like a toy that had become boring? Had she not been faithful? Had she not been never to have the scent of another man on her? She'd never wandered from the Forest and she'd never sought after another stallion. What was this then?

Fantazer was annoyed and why shouldn't she be? The Forest had been her home and now? What was this Bay? She had only known the Forest for a long while now. She doesn't know what to think. She isn't sure she's ready for another one of those chilly swims and further north. That didn't sound too fun. Wasn't it cooler up that way or something? One of the chillier islands? Yeah, something like that. The grullo paint wasn't so particular on realizing that.

She makes her way from the water finally with a heave of her body and shakes like a dog. There's a shiver that runs along her spine and she grunts thickly. She doesn't like the chill in the air. Wasn't it spring? This felt odd and not at all right. A call rings out and her rich gaze searches slowly the surrounding areas before her. She does not readily see him as she pauses a little further inland and drops her nose a little. That right ear of hers flicks a little and both pull back toward her sculpted head. Thick hairs they are rushing toward in clear irritation of her surroundings. Perhaps she could get used to them but this doesn't mean she's at all pleased to have been thrown from her home and given a new one all in one standing.

What was this mess? A soft sigh escapes her lips and she stands; waiting. Patiently even though everything about this screams at her that she's been dreadfully wronged. She isn't alone though. There are other mares that have been tossed into this situation of being traded. One of them she knows and the other she does not. Zhyena. She would have to seek the tobianno out again. It would be interesting to see if their ideas on this matter were at all the same. Somehow though; Fantazer doubts that they are anything but similar. She is confused on why Lyden has traded her off so readily for the likes of one girl. It doesn't make any sense to her when the man had clearly enjoyed her company and liked her. She had liked him but now there was this. Why? Perhaps it is a question that she might never know or understand and she definitely isn't all that amused in realizing it.


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