The Lost Islands

i think about YOU

SOLJOR stallion / six / 16.0 hh / gypsy vanner mutt / silver smoky black tobiano/ rules the bay / o melhor x tallynne
Stardust was now a month old and she was enjoying the slowly disappearing snows. She enjoys waltzing away from her mother seeking playmates. She also enjoys parading right under her father’s oversized hooves. The little painted filly today has decided to follow him on patrol. At least, at this corner of the valley that the family took shelter in. After all, why shouldn’t the little princess involve herself in the matters of state?

Soljor felt it was because she was first off a little girl. And second because the ball of black and white fuzz was all too bouncy and made him feel tired just watching her. But he couldn’t stop her - and Fly didn’t usually. In fact, he was pretty sure Fly encouraged it.

A high pitched whinny reached his ears and he perked. That was not a stallion’s call. Intregued, he trotted towards the shared border.

“Daddy wait!” Stardust screamed, galloping as fast as her little legs could take her to catch up with the lope of her father. Soljor visibly dropped his shoulders.

“Stardust, wait with your mother,” He said, slowing his pace ever so much. The little filly slowed a bit, but shook her head and stuck to her father’s side. They weren’t too far from Fly and Stardust had come too far to turn back now. Soljor didn’t really have a choice - he could either take her back to her mother and give the call a wait or investigate with his daughter. Hopefully Fly wouldn’t kill him. He did make the trip a bit slower so that the filly could keep up.

He spotted the roan mare and snorted. It was not the other roan he had spotted wandering the borderline. He walked up to her, Soljor was defensive as he had his filly but definitely not hostile. He took a stance across from her, he could smell Dogun heavily. This mare must be one of his.

Stardust stopped a few paces ahead of her father with her nose reaching up and nostrils wide. Soljor reached up to push his filly out of the way a bit more. She huffed and turned around to glare at her dad.

“Daddy!” She whinnied. Soljor shook his head and turned his attentions to the other mare.

“You’re from the Inlet,” He commented. “What is your name and purpose here in the Bay?” Soljor is always direct.

“Daddy!” Stardust pouted and stamped her feet. She was a spoiled brat who liked being the center of attention at all times.
mare / one month / 15.3 hh wfg / mutt / black tobiano / the bay / soljor x fly stardust


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