The Lost Islands

she begged for love to remain

store up your hate, use it for
warmth when you're cold

Freya notices that, as she waits, she can smell a very familiar scent upon the land of the Bay. At first, she can't figure out who the smell belongs to or where it first came to her. It takes her several moments of contemplation to figure it out - the lively appaloosa she met at the Falls several weeks ago, when winter still held firmly onto the Islands. What is he doing here? she wonders, and makes a mental note to ask.

It doesn't take long for two figures to become visible on the horizon, one of a large painted stallion and the other of a small black-and-white filly who is obviously very young. She puts on a benevolent smile, lowering her head as the draft stops before her, hoping to make it clear she is not a threat to him or his young child. Not that Freya would ever even dream of hurting a foal - the thought that anyone could hurt their children repulses her terribly.

He speaks, and the golden queen nods at the tobiano stallion's words. "Yes, I am. My name is Freya, I am Dogun's alpha mare. I have simply come to introduce myself to you." The black-and-white filly at his hooves exclaims again, obviously trying to get his attention. Freya glances down, lips twitching slightly, before her crystalline eyes meet his. "Your daughter is very beautiful." she says, her heart constricting in her chest again as the thought of children invades her mind. Once again she forces it back, praying it will not return. She forces a smile onto her sooty lips. "I can't help but notice the scent of another stallion here, one that I met several weeks ago in the Falls. His name is Magnus... does he happen to live here?"

four / georgian grande / 16hh / bay dun roan sabino
lead mare of the inlet / mother to none / played by pippa


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