The Lost Islands


Soljor was antsy. He had already offered Felony the pick of his mares, only reserving Acelynn, Fly, and Cut up Angel. Cut up Angel… he knew Harlequin was not ready to leave the Bay but he did not know if she would take up his offer. He hoped she would. Not that he didn’t love Harlequin, but he couldn’t help but feel guilty and dirty around Cut up Angel. Though motherhood had made the arabian even more stunning it seemed.

Regardless, he had other mares to collect. Lyden was supposed to send three. He had not seen or met the other two. It was irritating to him that the original mare he had requested was not coming. Apparently, Lyden did care for certain mares more than others. He couldn’t blame him. Maybe Azazel had been with foal despite what he’d said about her being his queen’s second. A lead mare did not need a second in command. Female dynamics were not supposed to be a stallion’s concern. Not in his opinion at least.

Soljor spots the bay mare in a small meadow. This is one of the places already showing signs of the short burst of warmth Tinuvel will get. He made his approach known to her with a short greeting call and approached with ease.

“Welcome to the Bay,” He states simply. “I’m Soljor. You would be Zhenya, correct?” It was best to get introductions over with. Show her where the herd stayed and warn her about the wolf pack. Then he could let her entertain herself. Oh, maybe warn her about the terror that Stardust was becoming. At least, in his mind.
stallion | six | 16. hh | gypsy vanner mutt | silver smoky black tobiano | lord of the bay | o melhor x tallynne | blushie
choose your battles wisely
html and character by blushie 2014 and on || picture by cantatus promise click for credits

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