The Lost Islands

i think about YOU

SOLJOR stallion / six / 16.0 hh / gypsy vanner mutt / silver smoky black tobiano/ rules the bay / o melhor x tallynne
Stardust looked up at the mare who was as big as her dad. Her dark eyes seemed to drink in everything around her. She paraded around him and tried to do all sorts of cute things to get his attention. She wanted to go play - have her chase him about and those kinds of things. Her mommy did it, why couldn’t her daddy?

She walked forward towards the other mare and reached as high as she could in an attempt to get a good sniff. The other mare lowered her head, more to her father but Stardust took it as an excuse to bop the mare’s golden nose with her black one. She giggled and trotted around to the other mares side. However, there was none of the good smelling stuff when she sniffed.

“Stardust!” Soljor called. “Stardust come back here! That is not your mother!” Her childish antics were quite embarrassing for the stoic, painted stallion. “I’m so sorry. She’s young and…”

“Daddy! I’m hungry!” She stamped her feet a bit. It was almost like she expected Soljor to be able to make Freya have milk. She was young and it was obvious.

“Stardust, your mother has your milk,” Soljor’s voice was calm. He looked at Freya, begging forgiveness for his daughter’s actions. “We’ll go back to her as soon as I’m done talking to Miss Freya. Come back and stand with me.” Stardust took another look at the pretty roan mare and snorted. She stamped back to her father’s side and through all four hooves down hard as she turned around to face Freya again.

Soljor sighed.

“I’m sorry, again,” Soljor said. “I am Soljor - Lead of the Bay. It is nice to meet you.” Well, if Dogun was so small, it would make sense if he put a lot of trust in larger mares. He could not discredit the smaller stallion for giving a mare of her stature authority. “this is Stardust. As you can probably guess by now…” He looked at the little girl. Freya commented on her beauty. “Thank you for the compliment. I will pass it along to her mother.”

The Freya inquires as to Magnus. Soljor pricks his ears a bit at that.

“Yes,” he said. “He recently became my second in command. He’s a good kid who just needs to get his hooves under him for a bit. How do you two know one another?” It was important to know, and therefore be able to squash, anything that could provide tension between himself and his neighbor. Pilar lived on a different island all together - which meant he didn’t have to worry about someone driving a pack of wolves at his herd.
mare / one month / 15.3 hh wfg / mutt / black tobiano / the bay / soljor x fly stardust

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