The Lost Islands

so slowly goes the night;

Posted on June 21, 2014 at 06:36:06 PM by Harlequin


White. A bright vivid white. It is the first thing that she will ever remember and will perhaps always stay in her mind, that memory of the first day. It is cold here, even though already her newborn fur grows less and less damp there is still a chill in the air that sends occasional shivers down her spine. She breathes, it is there. The cold. She would have to get used to this, there was no going back now. Defiantly she rises, struggling to gain control of all four limbs and manage to make them work together in unison at the same time. It is strange, going from total albeit cramped comfort, to a new world in which she herself felt alien. Warmth. There is warmth beside her and for once she allows herself to focus her baby blue eyes upon the creature beside her. Tiny nostrils flare as she inhales the familiar scent of her mother and a soft whicker of recognition escapes from her lips as my little girl takes a hurriedly, fumbling step to her mother's side. The silver mare had not spoken her name but instinct told Harle that this was indeed her mother. Even now as the mare's warm milk coats her stomach she knows.

She does however issue a single word, a name that no doubt was meant to belong to her. "Harlequin". A single black ear swivels towards the sound of her mother's voice but not once does the little painted girl draw away from her suckling, not until her belly finds itself full and the weariness of the day's strenuous activity take its toll. Only then does she find herself, on much steadier legs, folding them beneath her and curling neatly into a small ball at mother's feet. She glances up at the ivory mare, a loving smile upon her lips before the heaviness of her lids in turn weigh her proud little head down and she falls into a contented slumber beneath the protective shadow of mother's watchful gaze.

That is, until they are interrupted.

Mother moves away and immediately Harlequin finds herself startled awake, determined not to be left behind should mother have suddenly decided that she sought another place to graze. However the silver mare does not move far, her sudden change in stand and demeanor confuse my little black and white girl as the gentle mare seems to disappear before her and instead is replaced with a fierce creature. Harlequin cocks her head curiously and takes a single timid step closer to the mare, her soft voice trembling as she whispers, "M..m..momma?". 'Hush!' demands the silver mare and immediately the painted girl obliges and presses herself beneath the warm belly of CUA's frame, peeking out from beneath her to whatever it was that caused the silver mare to feel threatened.

She sees him, for the first time he slides into view, his broad head ducking beneath the thick foliage as feathered feet bring him into clear view. Mother immediately relaxes and seeming to have forgotten for the moment about Harlequin, addressed the stallion. A single ear swivels towards mother as she speaks but her attention indeed stays locked with the stallion, awestruck by the massive size and magnitude of the creature. He is far bigger than mother but he looks like she does. Well, perhaps she has a bit more white, the black of her hide a bit more pronounced and vivid in stark contrast but none the less he is like her. Forgetting the fear and anxiety that only moments ago held her trembling beneath mother's belly Harlequin finds herself forcing her wobbling legs into action, strength and surety mirrored in each step as bravely she approaches the tall stallion. "Hello..." she breathes, her fuzzy black and white tail wagging excitedly back and forth against her rump. Baby blue eyes blink up at him as she cranes her head to meet his gaze, stretching her small muzzle towards his own, trying to catch his scent, "Momma calls me Harlequin... what does your momma call you?" Curiosity might have killed the cat but what about the filly? not likely anyway.


The Secret to Surviving is Knowing What to Keep and What to Throw Away

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