The Lost Islands

now it all seems so clear there is nothing left to fear[soljor/any]

The ties that bind us are sometimes impossible to explain
"I'm positive that soon my dearest Balto, we will become parents" after revealing the truth Sophia took a moment to reflect on the blissful evening in which she would never forget. Balto had easily become her best friend, her only friend and although she had come to realize that her feelings would always be one sided with him, to Sophia that was good enough. - "These caves are no place to give birth, Sophia.” He says this suddenly, lifting his eyes sharply from their downcast gaze to stare at her with seriousness and concern. -- "I could have her in the peak or something. My father and my mother’s homes have both been taken over by new stallions and i wouldn't want to bring our child into a herd that could hurt her" -- “We could go to the meadows or the falls – after breeding season, those places are vacant.” Yes, he had said ‘we’. He didn’t want Sophia to think that she had to do this all on her own. “And when he or she is strong enough, we can make the journey back to the caves.

Soft amber eyes stare out across the vast open space ahead of the prudent brindle mare feeling the winds chill against her flesh. Pinners swivel forward as consciousness slowly takes the place of sleep and vivid dreams. Dew settled around her feathered feet while Sophia shook her apogee and snort forcing her tired physic to awaken fully. Her heart unfortunately now ached with such a realistic dream causing the pain of her past to irrupt her present day. Sophia as she squinted her spheres took a few moments she desperately needed to clear her foggy mind trying to hide away her dream, or blast from the past for everything she dreamt had happened and been said.

Sophia noticed none of the herd was around like they had been previously before she fell asleep and as she glanced upwards it made sense. Clouds had rolled in confronting the landscape with the strong smell of rain, the herd Sophia assumed went into the pines or even caves in there were any seeking shelter. Charcoal lips opened with a yawn while the stripped older woman moved forward heading towards a stream that ran smoothly against rocks and wet sand beneath. Here she dropped her nose to feed from the water as her tendrils wrapped themselves around her hind legs with a gush of wind followed by a couple of faint rain drops that tugged on Sophia’s eyelashes.


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