The Lost Islands

lungs c r a c k l e, bones r a t t l e bay mares


The tall mare stands on the shore, eyes cast out to the horizon that stretches out before her with the sun behind her. The rays of sunlight bounce off the healthy akhal-teke shine of her coat and dance over the sooty fleabites of her back. She can feel summer descending and welcomes it wholeheartedly. It is her favourite season after all despite the beauty of new life that spring is prone to bring. She’s seen a few foals darting around the bay and it seems Soljor is doing a good job of keeping them and the rest of the herd safe – a herd which has been rapidly growing.

For the most part, the pale mare keeps to herself not because she is not social but because large crowds often do not appeal to her. One on one chats are more her thing but she is not too shy to throw herself into the group. They do not seem to be mingling much and she knows it is unlikely they will come to her so she makes the decision to move things along quickly. Once she knows her herd mate’s names, she can seek them out individually to properly get to know each other.

Abandoning the shore, the mare moves to the where the main bulk of the herd stood loosely gathered. He gaze travels over each of the silently, wondering which respond and how as she sends a call out to them.

l u n g s . c r a c k l e // b o n e s . r a t t l e
m a r e // h y b r i d // g r e y . s o o t y . c r e m e l l o // 1 7 . 2 . h a n d s . h i g h // f i f t e e n

Ooc - Let's not bog this down with a posting order. If the person who's turn it is hasn't posted a reply within 24 hrs of the last post then anyone can jump in (even if theirs was the second to last post!). Don't be shy to jump in if the thread has been going a little while either :D


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