Here is where you can request pictures or tables for your character!

If you would like a table or image made for your character, be sure to include:
Name of character:
Title on image or tagline on table:
Description of character:
Your OOC name:


*whispers* maybe taking requests again

shhhhh hey guys I wouldn't mind some more random work to keep myself busy while I wait to do things sooo I'm taking a few requests.

These are NOT first-come, first-served. I'll pick and choose projects I think I'll actually be able to do, since I don't have a tablet here ;__;

Please provide a few reference pictures of your wolf. I don't want to dig for pics.

If you want a background other than the one on the wolfie pics, feel free to give me examples of those. Otherwise I'll probably just stalk DA.

I cannot make tables, so don't even ask. HOWEVER I will be happy to provide the palette generator websites I use for when I'm recoloring the same darn table I use every single time.

love ya'll <3

  • Heyyyyyy? ???.... -
    neee -
    *raises hand* -
    Sure! -
    SMJ in <3 -
    OOOOOO -
    :'D -

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