The Lost Islands

In my dreams I see you (Sophia, Gandy, Zhenya, Soljor)

Traded. It sounded like such a foul word really. She doesn't like it one little bit. The Grullo girl just doesn't want to be here. She loves Lyden; she wants to go home. Why had he traded her? She doesn't understand this at all. Sophia was one of the mares in the Forest but she doesn't know her. She had seen her around but had never spoken with her at all. Pity that. She seemed like such a nice mare. Why doesn't Fantazer know her? She isn't sure but clearly that is changing now right?

Stick together. It seems like a good thing in her mind right now. She has no reason to wander from those of the Forest. It seemed better to stick with them than to wander off and get lost. She doesn't know this place and even worse, she doesn't want to be here. This wasn't at all right; it felt so very wrong. "He should be ashamed. I did nothing...Sophia, nothing to deserve this. I thought he cared; thought he loved me." Had she been so wrong? She's so distraught now that it just isn't fair at all.

"He isn't my stallion though; he'll never be that." She sighs softly and her eyes close. Why had Lyden done this to them? Why had he abandoned her like this all for some mare? One mare for three? Really? Was a single mare worth half your herd? Clearly he needed to re-evaluate what he considered special to him. Because no mare is worth three to be traded like property. She was no one's trophy wife. She was not just an object to be given away as though she never mattered. Lyden had been so caring and loving. What had changed then? Was it something she had done?

There is Gandy then. Fantazer's eyes light up at the sight of the ruling mare in the Forest. A friend as she considered her until she'd been ripped from her home. Still a friend no matter where their lives may have them now. Apologies even though it was not Jormungandr's fault. "What does he see in that mare that he gave us away as though we were mere prizes to be had? What's so special about a mere mare that he give three away?" She cannot possibly understand this. The painted mare is clearly confused and she has every reason to be. This was wrong in any sense that you might look at it.

Then there is Zhenya and Fantazer must laugh to her words. "Business? There is nothing about this that is mere business. You don't trade off your family for a single mare who you cannot possibly know that well. Would you trade your kid away just because you saw something or someone you wanted?" Fantazer doesn't think so at all. She'd never trade her child away or a friend because there was something or someone else out there that she wanted. Not at all! Why then, would he? She hadn't thought him the sort at all.

"New but certainly not delighted about it." Of course she isn't the most friendliest creature right now. Who would be after what she'd discovered only a little while ago. Having to make this journey so suddenly and without warning. Being ripped from her home as though she had never belonged there. Yeah, she was far from happy about this. Quite upset honestly. "I am Fantazer." Mind as well give that much anyway. Wouldn't want him to merely call her mare after all. "Jormungandr is my friend and my alpha. She is not a resident here. She came to check after those of us who Lyden decided were merely objects to be traded off."

There's a grumble from her lips then and her eyes move between the gathering of mares. Back to him then and she sighs. "I don't think you'd be happy though; being traded off so suddenly for just a mere mare. Three for one. Tell me Soljor; what was so special about your mare that he thought to trade half his family away?" Because she'd just love to know. Wouldn't anyone?

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