The Lost Islands

In my dreams, I see you

There is still displeasure. She is so sure that she does not wish to be here. She is not happy. She misses her home in the Forest. She misses Gandy and she misses Lyden even though she is angry with him for this. This was not her home and Soljor was not her stallion. In her heart and in her thoughts, he would never be her stallion. Lyden was that and this is something she's so sure of in her mind. She loves him and there can be no other honestly. This was still so wrong. She is not comfortable here. She knows only one mare in which she trusts and will always trust. One she has only begun to know and understand. A striped creature that seemed so sweet and caring; so willing to protect her from the world she's been cast into so suddenly.

"Sophia." She whispers softly as she comes up beside the woman. "Why hasn't he come for me? Didn't he love me? I had thought...." What had she thought? That there was hope for such a sweet; niave girl? Had she trusted so readily when she should not have? It didn't make sense even now. This was not home and yet; she is still here. This was not the world she'd imagined she'd be living in. It was not Soljor's fault really. He had not traded her away but rather, chose her among what Lyden had offered. Three for the choice of one. Why? Even now she does not understand. The world is confusing; this is confusing.

"I don't belong here Sophia. This isn't home. This will never be home. I cannot call this my haven if I don't feel comfortable here. I can never be that." It isn't in her to be forced to call this home when it is not. She doesn't want this. She loved him; loves him. Didn't he care? Lyden. Doesn't he love her? Why would he do this to her? She is young but does he expect that she would be so quick to move on? She cannot move on. She had so willingly loved him and given her trust to him. What had she got in return but to be cast off like a prize? This was not a life she had ever dreamed of or imagined. This was not her happily ever after. How could it be?

"Sophia, I still don't understand." How could she? Was this some kind of punishment for being so quiet and exploring? Had she waited too long to get to know the Forest herd? That couldn't be it right?

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